
It's the 31st of July and that means...

If you haven't noticed already today is the 31st July. And that, my fellow bloggers, is a very important date! If someone has really no idea what I'm talking about, shame on you! No it's not the last day of summer.... well technically it is but that's not what I'm talking about.
Today is the birthday of the one and only ....

...Drum roll please...



He also share's it with his author/creator J.K Rowling. So, I say to them:
Happy Birthday!
Also in honour of their birthday I have made Harry Potter themed cupcakes

I made... gryffindor tie, candle cupcake, HP letters, lightning scar, random icing, snitch, HP letters, gryffindor scarf, wand, broom, deathly hallows sign, random icing!

On another note, I want to share with you two things I bought whilst on holidays.
First of all, I love Disney and when I saw this I just had to buy it!
He is awesome.
I still haven't mastered the art of strings but I can make him sit and stand!
The other item is....
I absolutely adore elephants!
Happy Birthday Harry!



Well actually I just got off the plane (checks clock then strains to count the the hours) amm about 3 hour 52 minutes and 48 seconds! I'm as white as ever because for some strange reason no matter how long I spend in the sun I never tan! My shoulders are burnt though with two horrible white patches from  the straps. I had a great time blah blah blah. You don't need to hear what I did every minute of it... like the hot chocolate fudge cake with vanilla ice cream I had last Tuesday night... mmm!
So I'm glad to be back!
And to my surprise and immense delight I have been awarded two belle blog awards by the lovely Emily and lovely Nicola!
Okay so....
The belle blog award was made by Neevie at Totally Neevie. Belle means pretty in French or as so I have heard as I do not speak it. Each nominated blog has to:

1. Write 3 facts about themselves
2.  Answer 3 questions the tagger asked
3.  Tag 3 other blogs
4. Ask 3 questions for the blogs you tag
5.  And you cannot tag the person that tagged you (awwww!)

So my facts:

1) I speak English (obviously), Irish, German, and now I know a little bit of Spanish from this meteor ad:

It cracks me up every time!
2) I really like the word "obviously". It reminds me of Snape in the order of the Phoenix when Umbridge is questioning him during potions class and he replies "obviously" to one of her questions!
3)Ammm... what else.... I am totally obsessed with Harry Potter!

So the questions:
1. What item of clothing would you be simply lost without?
My pyjamas. I love pyjamas! Whether it's my fluffy ones with snowmen for winter or striped shorts and tank top for summer. I love them all!
2. If you had to pick five foods to eat for the rest of your life, what would they be?

Melon, Terry's Chocolate orange bar, pizza, Lasagna, ice-cream!
3. Who is your celebrity crush?
Johnny Depp!
1)If you had to pick just one topic to write about, what would it be?
OOOoooh this is one tough cookie. Creativity? Does that count as one?
2)What/who inspired you to start blogging?
 My English teacher Ms. Foley was talking about blogs one day and asked if any of us had any. None of us had. So she said she read this blog called Teen Grannyand then I began reading it. About two months later I decided to make my own blog. One of the best decisions I've ever made. I love blogging!
3)If you weren't blogging, what would you be doing?
You mean write now? Probably unpacking.

So I have to tag 3 blogs:

Now on to the questions:

1) Favourite flavour ice cream?
2) If you were to write a published book someday, what would be it's title?
3) Name one good thing about yourself?

I have a lot updates to write so onto the next award:

This was created by the lovely Holly at her blog HERE!
You can have this award if you have more than 1000 viewers. There is also a 100 as well!
And I am happy to say that I have reached 1000 viewers. YAY!!

I have a few more posts to do in the next few days so stay tuned!



Packing Predicaments

So I will be going on holidays very shortly. Yes, yes I'm so lucky. Where you ask? Spain of course. I love going away, especially from Ireland's weather. It's never too hot or too cold. It's always raining! But don't fear this is not a post about me glaring out the window at the rain. If only looks could kill.
In fact this post is about my packing predicaments.
You see I hate packing. I'm that kind of person that will have to write a list of everything I need and each quantity. Please tell me I'm not alone on this. There is someone out there that creates a list using different colour pen for their importance, right?
Well, no matter, I finally got around to it today. After painstakingly fitting outfits together for each day I folded them neatly into my suitcase. Then I started thinking, what if I need my new turquoise top? What if I run out of shampoo? Should I bring another one? Do I have enough shoes?
The list goes on. So you see there, is another problem. I start off not knowing what to pack then end up bringing everything!
Even though I've matched each outfit I hardly ever end up wearing those clothes together.  I always bring way too much. And then coming home, my bag is too heavy after I once again go on a shopping spree buying a present for everyone in the family and sometimes my neighbours.
Then when I am home there's the tortuous unpacking. Does it ever end?
So as you can see I am going on holiday soon and I won't be able to post. (It's okay don't get emotional. I know you'll miss me. There there, I'll be back soon.)
Don't miss me too much


Oreo stuffed chocolate chip cookies

If you havn't realised this already, I love oreos. Especially dipped in milk yum! I also love using them in cooking. I've alrady made an oreo cheese cake, you can find that HERE!
Now I have found the most incredible recipe: cookies with oreos in them!

If you want the recipe click here
til next post!


The one lovely blog award!

Yaay!!!! I have been nominated for the one lovely blog award by the one lovely hermione over at her one lovely blog here!

Okay so the rules....
1. You have to thank the person that nominated you.
2. You have to tell 7 things about yourself
3. You have to nominate 15 others!

So... Thank you so much for tagging me! I also love the name of your blog ( for those of you who have lived under a rock for the last twenty years, Hermione comes from my all time favourite books Harry Potter)
7 things about myself...this is going to be difficult!

1) Ammm.... at the moment I'm desperately trying to persuade my Dad to get me a dog as my childhood would be incomplete without one.
2) I think I'm about 5 foot 5. Not sure.
3) My hair is straight and refuses to curl no matter what I do!
4) My favourite names are Lily and Noah.
5) My lucky number is 8.
6) ummmm.....not coming up with any thing else.
7) My name is Marian and I am a blog addict.

What's next ... Oh yeah the nominating
 Journal of a Teen
Just floating along
A Day Dreamer's World
Everything Ella
My Sky Blue World
un arc-en vintage
Emily' Chronicles
My Mind Counts
Life of an awkward donkey
Everything Hermione
Totally Neevie
My other World
Ebony Black Lines
Sunday Pancakes
What Orli did  --- I'm having trouble letting this blog know, so if anyone is able to contact her that would be great thanks!

So I'm kind of in a rush but I will come back and put links to the names soon and I will let everyone know... done
Have one lovely day!


The Book Thief

I read this book a while back but seeing as I won't be reviewing the Gallagher girl books until I'm finished all of them I'll talk about Markus Zusak' "The Book Thief".
Typically novels are in third person or sometimes told from the perspective of one of the main characters. However this, not so usual, book is narrated by Death.
"The Book Thief" is set in Nazi Germany during WW2 and so Death is the ideal storyteller.
He/She (whatever Death is) is not the one-dimensional character we are used to either. This Death has a heart and an ironic sense of humour.
"The Book Thief tells the story of Leisel Meminger, a damaged but strong willed and immensely likable young girl that displays wisdom beyond her years.
Death's first encounter with nine year old Liesel is in 1939 in a graveyard shortly after the death of her younger brother on a train taking them to Molching Germany, where their Mother is to leave them with a foster family. It is just after the tearful and unceremonious burial that Leisel finds a book, "The Gravedigger's Handbook", after it is dropped accidentally, in the snow by a grave digger's apprentice. Despite being uneducated for her age and unable to read, she keeps it as a final memento of her brother. This is her first act of thievery.

The story takes a twist when Leisel's foster parents hide a Jew in their basement. I was in constant suspense with these gripping and unexpected happenings.
I wouldn't usually, voluntarily, read a war book as they are often upsetting and distressing. Remarkably this novel went against all my superstitions. It was direct but sincere. Zusak didn't sugarcoat anything so the story came alive. I had deep sympathy for Leisel  as I felt I had known her personally. The characters were so human it was impossible not to emotionally be attached to them.
This extraordinary novel would be suitable for teenagers and older. The dialogue is simple enough but with beautifully descriptive language. It even touches on German words. This poignant story is definitely a worthwhile read!


Reaching Rebellion

So from what I've heard, every teen goes through a rebellious stage. Up until this point (you may be wondering why I have suddenly changed my mind but I'll get to that soon - have patience!) I thought it was all a myth. Like people just exagerrated or made up excuses for spoiling their teens as children and having to pay the price now.
But mostly I think we're just growing up and maturing. Rebelling is the only way you're going to learn more about yourself.
Like for instance over the past year from doing spontaneous things I've learned
I'm not afraid of heights (from absailing)
I have a fear of choking (from attempting to eat fish then almost dieing from choking)
and I really love redecorating my room (from getting up one morning and completly giving my room a new look then everyday changing it to something else)

I think now I'm in that "rebellious stage"
so far I've already dip dyed my hair purple
thinking about getting a few more piercings on my ear
when somebody tells me not to do something I instantly want to do it

I know part of it is to have some independance and not be so reliant on parents
But mainly: This is the time to live. To do something spontaniously nomatter how crazy it is. To create that bucket list and just do it. I mean it. Go now, write your bucket list and start working on it. Why waste time getting old. Live Now Remember it Tomorrow


I have some very exciting news...

well maybe not so exciting to any of you who's reading this but to me
this was big

and I mean


So now I suppose your wondering what it...

keep scrolling...

oh I can feel the suspense building

 it just makes me so happy

to announce

(just a little bit more scrolling down)


Can you believe it ... I can't

So this post is dedicated to my followers
Thank you all so SO much
I never thought anyone would bother following some teenager who blogs just cause it makes her happy

so here is a photo for ye all

Again thanks


The Typical Celeb!

Hello to everyone and hope your having a good day!
Any Celebs amongst you?..no...nope..maybe?
I  only recently learnt that celebs aren't that different to you and I. Well sure they get to go to party's, walk on the red carpet, have their picture in magazines and get paid more than I will ever have but pfft so what!
They are normal people too! (maybe not all normal but who's perfect)
I love books, craft, baking, drawing, photography and so do Celebs!!!!
Can you believe it?
Celeb#1 Taylor Swift
Swiftly Baking!
Yes that's right. She bakes:
I'm so happy. She's one of my favourite celebs and best of all we have something in common!

Celeb#2&3 Kristen Stewart and Sarah Jessica Parker
Kris Knit and woolly jumper Parker

Knitting during breaks on set
I know Kristen's picture isn't very clear but those sure do look like knitting needles.

Celeb#4 Zooey Deschanel
She nails it
with her awesome tuxedo nails!
Whether she did them herself or professionally, she has a creative side
I love it how I share some interests with the stars



Dream Catcher

In Native American culture, a dream catcher is a handmade object based on a willow hoop, on which a loose net or web is woven. The dream catcher is then decorated with personal and sacred items such as feathers and beads.
To me a dream catcher is something pretty to hang on my wall.
So I made one myself.

It was really simple and a great gift idea. Each one is unique and nearly anything can be added to it i.e photos, ribbons, buttons.
I started off using and empty sellotape role and wrapping pretty wool around it.
The bigger the circle the better as it will spread the feathers out. I made some sort of  a net in the centre of both circles and attached feathers as so. I connected both using plaited wool.

Hang it over your bed or somewhere in your room to get rid of bad dreams!

I really love dream catchers and all things crafty. If you've made anything like this comment or add a link if you have a picture of it.

As you can see I have a wool collection because of the many times I've tried knitting. I've never been very succesful at it but this year I might give it another shot... maybe.
Happy Tuesday!


Liebster Blog Award!

Ich bin sehr sehr sehr
I have been awarded the liebster blog award thanks to the lovely Ella over at her amazing blog!

So the liebster blog award is only awarded to blogs who have less than 200 followers. Liebster is German for lovely, kind, nice etc. The following rules apply:

1. Each blogger awarded must post 10 facts about themselves
2. Each blogger awarded must post answers to the ten questions their tagger left for them
3. Each blogger awarded must tag ten other bloggers
4. Each blogger awarded must then set ten questions for all the bloggers that they tag!
5.  You may not tag the person who tagged you

So here are my facts. I'll try and picks ones that haven't been shared on my blog before.
1. My name is Marian ( I only realised nobody knew that yet oops!)
2. I am 16 years old
3. I can play four instruments; the tin whistle, the recorder, acoustic guitar and my favourite of all the piano.
4. Tá mé I mo chonaí in Eirinn. ( I live in Ireland)
5. I have 5 cats and 6 kittens. They're names are; Daisy, Jaws, Oscar, Fudge, Mona, Jupiter, Pluto, Oreo and 3 without names ( any suggestions would be gladly appreciated)
Yet I only own Daisy. The rest belong to my sister.
6. I have a fear of choking and therefor cannot eat fish with bones.
7. My favourite TV Show include Grey's Anatomy, New Girl, Big Bang Theory, The Mentalist, Raising Hope and Revenge.
8.  I am a constant tea drinker.
9. I've tried to write stories but have never finished one.
10. My favourite actress is Zooey Deschanel.
Now I'm going to answer Ella's questions.
1) If you could only choose one subject to post about, every single time, what would it be?
Hmmm... that's a tough one. I'd say books but then that would get really boring  so maybe creative things like making and D.I.Y.
2) If you could be an animal - what would you be?!
I think I'd like to be a bird. So I could fly through the sky and glide over hills and lakes. Though the diet I'd change. I'm not so keen on worms. I think I'd be an Owl or duck. QUAK QUAK!
3) How many teeth have you lost (I know that question is VERY weird!)
Yeah that is a really weird question. I've lost all my baby teeth. Other than that nope. No false teeth.
4) If you had to live in one country that wasn't in GB what would it be?
Well, I don't live in Great Britain nor have I ever been there. But the one country I'd love to ive in would be ... Italy.
5) If you wrote a book - who would you dedicate it to? Why?
I really don't know. Someone who inspires me anyway.
6) If you spent a day with one author, who would it be?!
Either J.K Rowling or Becca Fitzpatrick. Sorry Becca I have to go with J.K Rowling. Harry Potter's the reason I started reading.
7) If an author asks you if you like their book, and you HATE it, what would you say?!
"Oh yes your book, I thought it was.. different to other books. There were a few faults  I'm sure with persistance you'll have a bestseller in no time."
8) How did you come up with the name for your blog?
I came up with the name inkdropperr becouse when you write with  pen you drop ink from it onto paper. Therefor the person would be known as an inkdropper similar to writer but not nescesarily using words so it could be a sketcher aswell. Also have you ever heard of the book/movie inkheart? well in it the charcter reads from books and the story along with it's characters entes the real world. So the opposite to reading would be writing and then came the name inkdroperr. There's also 2 "r"'s because there is already a blog called inkdropper which really annoys me!
9) What would be your ideal holiday?
I really want to go on a road trip and visit lots of countries or states. I'd keep a diary and take photos of my journey. This inspiration came from the book Amy and Roger's epic detour.
10) If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?
My favourite song changes every week. At the moment it is we are young. But if I had to choose just one I think I'd pick stranger like me from the tarzan movie.

So I guess I have to pick ten blogs now... who to pick??
I don't know if these blogs have already been awarded this award or have less than 200 folowers but I just picked the ones that deserve it most.
So my questions are:
1. If you could change you blog's name what would you pick?
2. Favourite book?
3. If you could have dinner with one person dead or alive who would it be?
4. Summer or winter?
5. Do you pronounce scones like: a) scOWNs or b) scONs
6. Favourite Boy name and Girl name?
7.Are you supertitous?
8. Biggest Dream?
9. Weirdest fear?
10. Favourite qoute?

I think that's it!


A little bit of randomness

I don't usually do this kind of post but I went on a bit of a shopping spree and can't help sharing what I got.

So to go through what I got:
Vintage storage box, I'm in the process of trying to redecorate my room. And I've also become obsessed with vintage, pastel and little pretty things. This also explains my new bed covers.
When I found these plum tights I couldn't help but get a bit over excited. I'd seen similar tights on Sunday Pancakes blog and absolutely loved them!
Shorts: what can I say, everyone needs a pair of denim shorts.
My weird and quirky necklace. It's kind of a rusty metal. I'm not exactly sure how to describe it but it has a cream stone, pink mini bead, cream fringe and metallic heart and leaf. I love it!
And down to my favourite purchase: my shoes:

They're converse style (but not the brand) and I always have to buy a new pair every time I go shopping, I live in my converse so this is another one to add to my collection!
So should I stick to my original plan of " all about books" or add a few randoms here and there?
Have a great weekend.


The Secret Life of Bees

The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd is an incredible story about 14 year old Lily, a girl who grew up believing she had accidentally killed her mother. Her journey takes off when she runs away from from her abusive father after being arrested ( it's not what you think) and helps her housekeeper/fugitive escape from a hospital.
They end up living with a family who make and sell honey with a black holy Mary as there symbol on their honey pots. Lily recognises this from one of her mother's possessions and forms new identities for her and Rosaleen, her housekeeper.
It is set in the 60s in America where racism is a huge factor as black people begin to register to vote.
The descriptions, characters and plot make this book a honey sweet reading treat! ( see what I did there!)
It is a compelling story full of mystery, longing and love.
I found it easy to read with it being so sincere and honest. Maybe a little unrealistic but all the same a brilliant book.
I entirely recommend reading it.



This is my very first WWW Wednesday!

WWW Wednesdays is a weekly book meme that is hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…

• What are you currently reading?
• What did you recently finish reading?
• What do you think you’ll read next?
So here is mine ....


 I am currently reading "The Secret Life of bees" by Sue Monk Kidd. I'm really loving this book. It's so honest and sincere, I'm completely engrossed in it.

 My last read was To Kill a mocking bird. I'm afraid
  I was a bit let down with it. It didn't meet my high
   And what I hope to read very soon is the fifth book of the Gallagher Girl series by Ally Carter. I'll start from the beginning with the very first and work my way up. I can't wait. I was left with so many questions with the last one!!
Happy Reading!

Chocolate Orange Muffins/ Brownies

So yesterday Emily gave me this incredible idea... Chocolate Orange Muffins!
I adore chocolate and my favourite bars happens to be orange flavour. So I was like why I hadn't I thought of this earlier! Thanks Emily. Check out her blog HERE!

180g butter                                                               
180g mixture of dark and milk chocolate          
3 eggs                                                                 
250g caster sugar                                               
110g plain flour                                                 
2 Orange rinds and a squeeze of juice

For icing
75g butter
225g icing sugar
3 dessertspoons milk
1 orange rind
1. Melt chocolate and butter.
2. Add sugar
3. Let cool before adding eggs.
4. Add flour, I like to add a little bit of raising agent as well.
5. Add orange rind and a squeeze of juice from half an orange
6. Bake in a preheated oven at 180*C for approximately 20 => 30 minutes or until skewer comes out clean.

Make butter cream icing and decorate on the cooled muffins.
Since I had mixture left over, I also made a few brownies.

Today is also the 4th of July!!
Even though I am not American nor have I ever been there (yet) here is a picture I googled:
Happy 4th of July!