
Would You Rather ~ Harry Potter!

This uber cool tag I found on Francoise's blog is completely Harry Potter themed. And if that wasn't the cherry on top, I don't know what is!
Would you rather go to prom with Harry, Ron or Draco?
All three are totally different and yet I love all three equally. Harry is really small so sorry but he's out. I'll probably be wearing heels so.... I adore Ron, he's so funny and cute. Then Draco is the more misunderstood guy and has got this whole bad boy thing going on, you know him being a Death  Eater and all. Then again, Ron may show up in that hideous outfit he wore to the Yule Ball, which shouldn't really affect my choices but does because this such a close call. I choose Draco!
Would you rather be sorted into Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff or Slytherin?
I am in Ravenclaw (well according to the quiz), but I really wouldn't mind which House. Preferably Gryffindor or Ravenclaw though.
Would you rather explore the Forbidden Forest or the Halls of Hogwarts?
Halls of Hogwarts hands down! I mean, that castle must be incredible. I could find the one-eyed witch passageway, discover the room of requirement or even dine in the Great Hall. Besides that forest is full of centaurs and spiders and wolves. Oh My!
Would you rather enroll in Potions, Charms, Divination or Defence Against The Dark Arts?
Defence against the Dark Arts would be unreal. I like the idea of charms too. But who's a preferable teacher; Snape/ Lupin/ Mad Eye or Flitwick?
Would you rather buy an owl, cat, rat or toad? 
I absolutely adore owls! So yeah, I'd pick an owl.
Would you rather have in possession: the elder wand, resurrection stone, or the cloak of invisibility?
Cloak of invisibility seems the wisest choice.
Would you rather be tutored by Luna Lovegood or Hermione Granger?
Eh, Hermione, obviously. She is the Genius!
Would you rather (in the final battle) fight against Nagini (the snake) or Bellatrix?
I'd enjoy a good ol' duel against Bella, I think. Then I could slaughter her for killing Sirius!!!
Would you rather fight a basilisk or a dragon?
Dragon, probably cause it's a mythical creature.
Would you rather be a part of the Malfoy family or Weasley family?
Weasleys! Best family ever. Life with twins could never be boring.
Would you rather have a butterbeer or pumpkin juice?
Butterbeer.... I've had my fair share of pumpkin juice. I think Harry's reaction to skelegro would be adequate.
Would you rather fly on a broomstick, Hagrid's motorbike or Buckbeak?
Oooh! Tough question. Either Buckbeak or broom. Probably broom, that way I could play quiddich.
Would you rather have a conversation with Daniel Radcliffe or J.K. Rowling?
The answer to that is impossible. Rowling created it all but Daniel is my Harry, yet not Harry. Both, I fear, would disappoint me. They say you should never meet your heroes....

That was fun!

*P.S. I'm really sorry that I'm not commenting on all your wonderful blogs. I'm visiting my cousins and rarely the computer is available to me. I've tried commenting on some blogs using the ipad, but the message just gets wiped when I try to reply. So as soon as I'm home I will have a bit of spare time to catch up. Then it's off to Irish College - eek!*


The Fault In Our Stars

The Fault in Our StarsThe Fault in Our Stars is the first John Green book I have read. And I can assure you it won't be the last. The day after I finished it, I marched into easons and searched frantically for John Green's books. Then I had to decide from which to choose. So now, Paper Towns is waiting patiently upon my bookshelf to be read. They're beginning to remind me of an army, the books I mean, lined up like that. Gallant soldiers preparing for battle.

Anyway, TFioS is remarkable. I read it in one day. Basically it's about cancer infused Hazel meeting formally cancer infused Augustus Waters at support Group and this great friendship that evolves from it. But nothing about this story is basic. First of all this book is so realistic I started to think Hazel and Gus were real people. Like how did John Green do it? How can a simple blue paperback be so compelling? I was totally astounded when the book just suddenly finished that I had to take a few hours to tell the difference between reality and what I just read. When I had turned the last page, I was expecting more but there was nothing. Then I thought I was missing the last page and almost started crying, mainly because I was still an emotional wreck after that unmentionable incident that tore me up, pulled out my heart, bashed my head against a wall, stuck my heart back in and let all the emotions and pain hit me like a steaming hot iron!

*comes back sometime later with a bit more self control (and two puffy eyes)*
okay, where was I? Ah, yes, the ending. It wasn't completely abrupt but it was definitely not very resolved. It reminded me of that book Hazel read, the book that was pretty much at the heart of this one. I loved how Hazel found out the true meaning eventually, it was so heart wrenching how the writer wanted his daughter to live through her teens if only through a book. That part started up the water works again.
When I see it in the cinema, I'll probably go through this traumatic experience again. Shailene Woodley is cast as Hazel. I can definitely see her as Hazel. I knew before I read it so I had her pictured as Hazel the whole time.  Apparently she's Tris too, I only started that last night, but I cannot for the life of me see her as Tris. No. Just no.
As for Gus (my fictional boyfriend), Ansle Elgort shall play--- what? NO. That is not how I imagined Gus! AGH! NO please no. Well, okay, he's not too bad. Some of those google images are just not Gussy enough. Actually he looks like a totally different person in some. Okay, I won't worry about it, I'll just wait for the movie.
                              Speaking of Gus, isn't he just the greatest book boyfriend ever?! I mean even as a character on his own, I just love him. At first I was a bit like "ugh, god, not another one of these ultra cool, incredibly sexy, so perfect in a very annoying way type of male lead. And then I fell madly in love. I can't explain it, you'll just have to read the book, if you already haven't.
*I'm starting to like that Gus in the picture*
What more can I say, other than proclaim the book's excellence and  terrorise you with comments about Gus and his amazingness until you read it. The Fault in Our Stars, deserved every star that it gets. And five just isn't good enough.



It is something I seem to lack of. And yet, is one of the most admirable traits, in my opinion. Without uniqueness everyone would blend together until you couldn't tell any individual apart. What kind of world would that be? Imagine reading the same general post on every blog, everyone having the exact same opinion and absolutely nothing different. Being different is what this world strives on. Do you think Lady Gaga is famous for wearing a fish tank on her head because everyone else does? I think not. Being different is good, mostly.
Part of blogging is about being different, but specifically being original, just being yourself. For a while I've tried out different things on my blog. Except nearly all of these posts were pick pocketed from other blogs. I worry too much about whether people read my blog or don't like what they read. I've tried too hard to make this blog great like so many other blogs and while doing so I seem to have lost me. My blog's originality needs to resurface, if it were ever there before.
So I have decided to write about what ever I feel like. Instead of attempting to review books in that horrible format of what I liked, what I disliked, I think I'll just type as I think and see what gibberish I come out with.
However there is no point bringing the blog back to me if I do not know who I am. I always enjoy listening to people with strong opinions and contemplating whether or not I agree with them. But I've only come to realise that I have never formed an opinion by myself on any topic. I only agree or disagree with what people say but never come up with an opinion on my own. Tragic really.
So from now on, I am going to debate ideas in my head and waffle away on my blog. And tough if you don't like it! I may sound harsh or hopefully make complete sense, but that is my opinion.