
Favourites tag

Hello bloggers of the world. Here's a tag of all my favourites. Enjoy!
Favourite Colour:  Green
Favourite Dinner:  Lasagna
Favourite Band:  the Coronas
Favourite Singer: Florence Welch
Favourite TV programme: Revenge (followed by Grey's Anatomy, New Girl and Big Bang Theory)
Favourite Blog:  Aww, your killing me! I'll have to say ..... Cat's.
Favourite Movie: The Breakfast Club (I have a list you can find here)
Favourite Book: Harry Potter (followed by hush hush saga)
Favourite chocolate: Terry's Chocolate Orange
Favourite destination: Either Italy or Germany
Favourite time of day: Hmmm, 6 am. Not if there's school but because it's still cold outside, the sun is rising and Nature is waking up. The whole day is ahead of you.
Favourite names: Lily, Nina and Noah
Favourite animal: Elephant and Owl
Favourite dessert: Malteser cheese cake
Favourite sport: I kinda like tennis or maybe rugby
Favourite hobby: Reading
Favourite site: PINTEREST!
Favourite ideals in the opposite sex: Tall, Brown eyes and dark hair!
Favourite profession: illustrating books or maybe decorating cakes
Favourite clothing item: pyjamas
Favourite subject: Art
Favourite item in your room: Either my dream catcher or teddy bear.
Favourite  place to go for peace and quiet: my room or else my tree house.
Happy tagging!


I solemnly swear to reply every time ^_^