
A Chili Experience

I've never been one to obsess over hot and spicy food. I think I'm more into Italian. Yes, that tasty pasta and bolognese with the sizzling cheese oozing with yumminess. Mmmmmmmmm.....
Okay, sorry, I'll stop thinking about my grumbling tummy and get right into my story.
Last week, (during big lunch) Rebecca, a newly converted vegetarian, was eating her bowl of leaves with some kind of pesto dressing. It looked like frog spawn that was going moldy. She dared Dawn to drink it - shot style. So Dawn took the small plastic cup in her hands and cautiosly looked in.
"That is disgusting"
"And that's why you have to drink it. All of it! MWAHAHAH!"
(Maybe I'm exagerating a but you get the gist.)
Dawn brought it to her lips with her eyes crossing as she gagged at the sight.
"No! I can't do it. Ugh. It even smells worse"
"Come on Dawn I'll give you a fiver"
Eventually she downed it and suddenly began spluttering. Her face went tomato red as everyone dived out of the way in case there was some kind of pesto explosion. I think she coughed non-stop for almost an hour. I was in hysterics the whole time.
"Guys, that burned like hell. I will get you back Rebecca!" Dawn managed to escape from her lips.

A few days later,  Dawn brought in a pack of chillies, ranging from mild to hot. 9 being the hottest.
"Sophie and Sarah (Dawn's younger sisters" tried some last night. They're not that bad." said Dawn.
"And you're going to get Rebecca to eat the hottest one aren't you?" Alanna guessed.
Dawn smugly nodded and began to laugh evilly as she took out the mildest ones from the pack.
All that was left was numbers: 5, 6, 8 and 9.
The look on Rebecca's face as she evaluated her number 5, long orange Chili.
She took a chunk out, chewed and then swallowed.
"Well?" All four of us said together. (four= Alanna, Dawn, Shana and me)
"You know, it actually isn't too bad"

About five minutes later, Alanna piped up and said she'd like to try the hottest one.
Rebecca agreed to have a bite too.
Each took a nibble and proclaimed it wasn't like what it said on the carton. Rebecca took a big chunk and a  mouthful of seeds....
PAUSE, I should tell you, the seeds are what make it so  hot. (hehe)

"AAAHHHHHHH" Rebecca let out a roar and ran straight for her yogurt and started gulping it down.
The burning lasted 3 hours and according to Rebecca it was a near death experience.
Of coarse, I wanted to have a little more fun with the pepper so during Lunch on the same day, Alanna and Noreen ran off to distract Dawn as me and Shana whipped out the half eaten number 9 red hot chili and began poring the remainder of the seeds into Dawn's crackers.
Later, after she had finished eating her crackers and the rest of us tried to hold in sniggers she announced:
"My lips are really sore. They're stinging like mad."
All of a sudden they began puffing up and going all red. It looked as though she had put on lipstick, blindfolded.
We burst out in hysterics and let slip what had happened. Naturally, Dawn was furious but soon found the situatuion kinda funny.
And that's not all. No sir.
Whilst in double maths, I wiped my eye as I was nodding off but then bolted upright as a seiring hot pain burst through my skull. There somehow was still chili juice on my finger! Clasping my eye and holding in screams Jessica, who sits next to me stared at me and asked if I was okay.
"There's something in my eye!" I exclaimed.
We got up and ran past the teacher without an excuse and into the 6th Year toilets across the coridor.
"Jess, this is going to sound really weird but I think I have chili in my eye"
She looked at me for a second and the broke out in hysterics.
"I'll go get the emergency kit" and she slauntered off to one of the labs to find a science teacher.
She came back with 2 Litres of sterile water and yanked my head into a sink and poured the water into my eye for 20 minutes.
A sixth year walked in and froze at the sight of Jess forcing my head in a sink by the hair and puring water all over my face.
"Is everything alright?" the 6th year asked, probably thinking I was another victim of bullying.
Jessica whipped around and spat out "everything is fine. Okay!"
We came back into the second half of maths, again not saying anything to the teacher, but everyone stared and within minutes the whole of my year seamed to know what happened!
And that was another day in the life of me!




I solemnly swear to reply every time ^_^