
Blog awards!

I want to say a huge thank you to all that have nominated me. It's an extreme honour to sit here in front of the laptop, and receive so many wonderful awards. I'd like to thank my cat and my ....

What an Adorable Blog Award.
Thanks so much to Helena! and Abbie

You must nominate 4 bloggers
And answer these Questions:
Q1  If you were stranded on a beach in the middle of no-where, which three people would you have with you?
Q2  Which celebrity would you love to meet?
Q3  If you won one million ponds/ euros - whatever, what would you spend it on?
Q4  Pick two people you can't live without.

Q1~  Mmm, probably my best friends
Q2~ Emma Watson/ Zooey Deschanel
Q3~ By a car and insurance then go on a holiday and see a few gigs
Q4~ tough question

I nominate: Althea July Josie Erin

Seriously! What a Great Blog Award
Thanks again to Abbie and Helena
(I think I already did this one so I'll just go ahead and save me some time)

Hey! That's so Sweet! Award
Thanks to Helena (again!)
Rules: You must nominate 5 bloggers
And answer these Questions:

- What famous person would you like to meet?
- What is your favourite flower?
- What is your least favourite food?
Q1. Zooey Deschanel
Q2. Lily
Q3. Peppers (the vegatable)
I nominate:
Amy, Emily, Rose, Kirthi and Orli!


  1. Hi Mars,
    I've been doing interviews in my blog and haven't done them in AGES so would you like to do one?
    If you are interested then send me an e-mail if you have one and I'll send you the questions.

  2. Hi ^_^ I love your blog! I guess I'm a new follower now. :) Can't wait for more posts, but it's a shame I stumbled across an award post.

    I can't wait for more posts in the future. :P :)

    If you want to check out my blog then here is the link:

    Nina x

    1. Hello! Thank you very much for following!
      I will go check out your blog now, once I finish typing this comment ;D
      Marian :D x
      P.S. I love your name (nina)

  3. Thank you so much, I feel honored! :)


I solemnly swear to reply every time ^_^