
A Christmas Chocolate Cottage Cake

On a wintery cold Saturday afternoon, whilst sitting by the dancing fire, a sudden thought drifted to mind. "I should bake a cake!"
And so it was, I baked a cake. A chocolate cottage cake to be exact.
Now I know that everyone who is anyone knows how to make a chocolate cake, so let me save myself the bother and just show you the pictures I took after.
I used chocolate fudge icing for the roof and a kitkat as the chimney. To give a snowing effect I dusted the cake with icing sugar.. The windows and door turned out a bit clumsy, so I do apologise. Maybe I could make a themed cottage cake for each season....


Happy baking!
And a merry Christmas
Marian x


  1. It looks great, I love baking at this time for year - I have just made chocolate muffins x

    Heather | Of Beauty & Nothingness

    1. Thanks! I love baking all year round. ( especially choccy muffins, with white chocolate chips.)
      Marian ^_^ x


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