
Makin a List - checkin it twice!

I'm sure I am not the only one who will admit to list making as part of their top three hobbies. And I don't mean it comes in second or third place either. There's just something about writing each task down on paper, making sure they are in a neat order with a perfectly square check box adjacent or even a thick black marker at hand for crossing things off. It's simply delightful to have all the "to-dos" written down. Despite none of it being actually completed, I still feel so relieved.
However I have been told that this obsession with list-making is more like a malady rather than a hobby. The common symptoms of LMS (List making syndrome) include:
  • a pencil case neatly packed with assorted coloured pens, rulers, erasers, parers and sticky notes.
  • enjoyment of making colour-coordinated study tables.
  • Never sticking to the plan: to study.
  • Taking time each day to write a list of what to do that day. (usually includes time)
  • Allocating time on the list for list-making.
  • Making a list of lists
  • neatly folding the lists or sticking them with blue-tack to the wall.
  • Crossing things off on the list is like a child getting bags of chocolate. The happiness cannot be described in words.
So do you suffer from LMS?
 I don't think it's a bad thing, necessarily.  For one thing I am exceptionally organised.....Well I plan to be organised anyhoo. I admit I fulfil each of those symptoms but I am also proud to say that I like to make lists. My name is Marian and I am a listoholic!


  1. To be honest, I don't think I suffer from LMS at all. I'm too lazy to make lists, and I'm a very unorganised person overall. But I definitely don't think making lists is a bad thing! Sometimes I wish I was a listaholic...Haha! :)

    1. Your life must be a bit more normal than mine then. I literally have "reply to comment" on a sticky note amongst other to-dos via internet... I think I am an extreme listaholic. I may even need to attend some AA meetings, or LA in this case.
      Marian ^_^


I solemnly swear to reply every time ^_^