- DVDs such as Now you see me and Iron Man 3. I saw Now you see me last summer in the Cinema. It was brilliant but I think the surprise of the plot is gone once I 've seen it. As for Iron Man, well, I love superhero films. And Iron Man definitely tops the list.
- Doesn't the Kitchen Aid look dreamy? If only it wasn't 500 Euro!
- Those brown boots are calling to me. I found it on pinterest but can't find them in any shop...
- The Killers CD has managed to wade its way on to my list this year. I also wouldn't mind other CDs like The Coronas, Birdy, Little Green Cars, The Beejees, Lana Del Ray etc.
- I just can't wait for these books. Wonder, 1984, The Snow Child, Eleanor and Park, Ketchup Clouds, Midwinterblood. I spent a whole day a few weeks ago zooming around book blogs to see what ones could go on the list. I was mostly on A Day Dreamer's World, Feed Me Books Now, It was Lovely Reading you, My crazy Bookish World, A Super Sunny Spot and a recent blog I found The Book Stop.
- If you hadn't realised this already, Terry's Chocolate Orange is my favourite chocolate!
- Christmas Socks
- I bought this for a friend but I would really like one as well. It's an earing holder.
- From Santa I shall *hopefully* get this spectacular Canon Camera. I love photography and now I'll finally have the megapixels for it!
- This is such a cosy dressing gown from Dunnes Stores. It's perfect for winter, chillaxing by the fire with a cup of tea and a great book.
I'm not sure how many of these I will actually get but a girl can dream.
Merry Christmas!
Marian ^_^ x
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