
Reaching Rebellion

So from what I've heard, every teen goes through a rebellious stage. Up until this point (you may be wondering why I have suddenly changed my mind but I'll get to that soon - have patience!) I thought it was all a myth. Like people just exagerrated or made up excuses for spoiling their teens as children and having to pay the price now.
But mostly I think we're just growing up and maturing. Rebelling is the only way you're going to learn more about yourself.
Like for instance over the past year from doing spontaneous things I've learned
I'm not afraid of heights (from absailing)
I have a fear of choking (from attempting to eat fish then almost dieing from choking)
and I really love redecorating my room (from getting up one morning and completly giving my room a new look then everyday changing it to something else)

I think now I'm in that "rebellious stage"
so far I've already dip dyed my hair purple
thinking about getting a few more piercings on my ear
when somebody tells me not to do something I instantly want to do it

I know part of it is to have some independance and not be so reliant on parents
But mainly: This is the time to live. To do something spontaniously nomatter how crazy it is. To create that bucket list and just do it. I mean it. Go now, write your bucket list and start working on it. Why waste time getting old. Live Now Remember it Tomorrow



  1. You diped dyed your hair purple? your so lucky! How do you do that?


    1. Amm well I bought semi permanent purple dye in a really creepy shop(shudders). Then I tied a plastic bag around myself and put gooey dye on the ends of my hair and pushed it up to half way. Then washed it. I was really happy with it but it inly lasted about 2 weeks.. :(
      Only downer is it goes everywhere! And I mean EVERYWHERE! I looked like barney for a while :D x

  2. I agree, my dad always says that 'Live for today' and I'm finally starting to get what he means. When somebody says 'You won't be able to do it' I really HAVE to prove them wrong. My friend said yesterday laughed when I said I was going to take Archery lessons but I'm now going to prove her wrong!! Time to create a very long bucketlist

  3. You go girl! (I know it sounds so cheesy) You'll be the next Katniss Everdeen!!! :D x


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