
The one lovely blog award!

Yaay!!!! I have been nominated for the one lovely blog award by the one lovely hermione over at her one lovely blog here!

Okay so the rules....
1. You have to thank the person that nominated you.
2. You have to tell 7 things about yourself
3. You have to nominate 15 others!

So... Thank you so much for tagging me! I also love the name of your blog ( for those of you who have lived under a rock for the last twenty years, Hermione comes from my all time favourite books Harry Potter)
7 things about myself...this is going to be difficult!

1) Ammm.... at the moment I'm desperately trying to persuade my Dad to get me a dog as my childhood would be incomplete without one.
2) I think I'm about 5 foot 5. Not sure.
3) My hair is straight and refuses to curl no matter what I do!
4) My favourite names are Lily and Noah.
5) My lucky number is 8.
6) ummmm.....not coming up with any thing else.
7) My name is Marian and I am a blog addict.

What's next ... Oh yeah the nominating
 Journal of a Teen
Just floating along
A Day Dreamer's World
Everything Ella
My Sky Blue World
un arc-en vintage
Emily' Chronicles
My Mind Counts
Life of an awkward donkey
Everything Hermione
Totally Neevie
My other World
Ebony Black Lines
Sunday Pancakes
What Orli did  --- I'm having trouble letting this blog know, so if anyone is able to contact her that would be great thanks!

So I'm kind of in a rush but I will come back and put links to the names soon and I will let everyone know... done
Have one lovely day!


  1. Aww thanks for nominating me :)

  2. Thank u for nominating me!(:

  3. Thanks for nominating me! I will do the post now and will put it up tomorrow-I'm having trouble with Orli's comment button too!


I solemnly swear to reply every time ^_^