

Well actually I just got off the plane (checks clock then strains to count the the hours) amm about 3 hour 52 minutes and 48 seconds! I'm as white as ever because for some strange reason no matter how long I spend in the sun I never tan! My shoulders are burnt though with two horrible white patches from  the straps. I had a great time blah blah blah. You don't need to hear what I did every minute of it... like the hot chocolate fudge cake with vanilla ice cream I had last Tuesday night... mmm!
So I'm glad to be back!
And to my surprise and immense delight I have been awarded two belle blog awards by the lovely Emily and lovely Nicola!
Okay so....
The belle blog award was made by Neevie at Totally Neevie. Belle means pretty in French or as so I have heard as I do not speak it. Each nominated blog has to:

1. Write 3 facts about themselves
2.  Answer 3 questions the tagger asked
3.  Tag 3 other blogs
4. Ask 3 questions for the blogs you tag
5.  And you cannot tag the person that tagged you (awwww!)

So my facts:

1) I speak English (obviously), Irish, German, and now I know a little bit of Spanish from this meteor ad:

It cracks me up every time!
2) I really like the word "obviously". It reminds me of Snape in the order of the Phoenix when Umbridge is questioning him during potions class and he replies "obviously" to one of her questions!
3)Ammm... what else.... I am totally obsessed with Harry Potter!

So the questions:
1. What item of clothing would you be simply lost without?
My pyjamas. I love pyjamas! Whether it's my fluffy ones with snowmen for winter or striped shorts and tank top for summer. I love them all!
2. If you had to pick five foods to eat for the rest of your life, what would they be?

Melon, Terry's Chocolate orange bar, pizza, Lasagna, ice-cream!
3. Who is your celebrity crush?
Johnny Depp!
1)If you had to pick just one topic to write about, what would it be?
OOOoooh this is one tough cookie. Creativity? Does that count as one?
2)What/who inspired you to start blogging?
 My English teacher Ms. Foley was talking about blogs one day and asked if any of us had any. None of us had. So she said she read this blog called Teen Grannyand then I began reading it. About two months later I decided to make my own blog. One of the best decisions I've ever made. I love blogging!
3)If you weren't blogging, what would you be doing?
You mean write now? Probably unpacking.

So I have to tag 3 blogs:

Now on to the questions:

1) Favourite flavour ice cream?
2) If you were to write a published book someday, what would be it's title?
3) Name one good thing about yourself?

I have a lot updates to write so onto the next award:

This was created by the lovely Holly at her blog HERE!
You can have this award if you have more than 1000 viewers. There is also a 100 as well!
And I am happy to say that I have reached 1000 viewers. YAY!!

I have a few more posts to do in the next few days so stay tuned!



  1. Welcome back! Thanks for the award :) Really looking forward to the post to come!


  2. Whooooo! Another award.... I can't wait. Please tell me I have to write another 50 facts and tag a hundred blogs whilst thinking of 250 new questions! (note sarcasm);D
    Marian x ;D


I solemnly swear to reply every time ^_^