
Packing Predicaments

So I will be going on holidays very shortly. Yes, yes I'm so lucky. Where you ask? Spain of course. I love going away, especially from Ireland's weather. It's never too hot or too cold. It's always raining! But don't fear this is not a post about me glaring out the window at the rain. If only looks could kill.
In fact this post is about my packing predicaments.
You see I hate packing. I'm that kind of person that will have to write a list of everything I need and each quantity. Please tell me I'm not alone on this. There is someone out there that creates a list using different colour pen for their importance, right?
Well, no matter, I finally got around to it today. After painstakingly fitting outfits together for each day I folded them neatly into my suitcase. Then I started thinking, what if I need my new turquoise top? What if I run out of shampoo? Should I bring another one? Do I have enough shoes?
The list goes on. So you see there, is another problem. I start off not knowing what to pack then end up bringing everything!
Even though I've matched each outfit I hardly ever end up wearing those clothes together.  I always bring way too much. And then coming home, my bag is too heavy after I once again go on a shopping spree buying a present for everyone in the family and sometimes my neighbours.
Then when I am home there's the tortuous unpacking. Does it ever end?
So as you can see I am going on holiday soon and I won't be able to post. (It's okay don't get emotional. I know you'll miss me. There there, I'll be back soon.)
Don't miss me too much


  1. I'm going to Spain for holidays aswell! For me its the opposit I allways pack the night before. But I also pack WAY to many clothes!


    1. Yeah, It drives me mental when I can't fit everything in! (goes off in rant about why they can't invent expandable suitcases like the weasley's blue car in harry potter!)
      especially after I buy so much stuff out there! x

  2. Hiya! Just found your blog and it's awesome! A follow for a follow?

    1. Hey!! Thanks. Been following your blog for a while. But been unable to comment...don't know why. I don't know if you've noticed yet but I nominated you for the one lovely blog award. Just fyi.
      Marian :D x

  3. haha, I nominated you for the Belle Blog Award as well!

    1. Aww thanks! I love your blog, it's so cute! :D x

  4. wow! I love your blog its really unique! I was wondering if you could follow mine at

    1. Sure! I love blogs that do book reviews!
      Marian :D x

  5. Haha! Yeah I am! Never been to Britain or America so I am most definately Irish! :D x

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.


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