
Hedgehog Cake

Because of my love for hedgehogs and cake, I made .............. a Hedgehog cake! Very original don't you think? ^_^
I'm really surprised how well it turned out. Usually all my big plans go horribly wrong. Well, I guess this wasn't a very big plan, just a sandwich (tin) size.
So if you want to make this, here's the recipe:
For Cake
120g plain flour
125g margarine
125g caster sugar
2 large eggs
1 tspn of baking powder
1tspn vanilla essence
For icing
25g Bournville Cocoa (or any other dark choc cocoa)
60ml Boiling water
175g butter
300g icing sugar
to decorate
3 packs of Chocolate buttons
1 pack of White Chocolate buttons
Or maybe some smarties
it's up to you - go crazy
1. Preheat oven to 180* C (350*F). Line two sandwich tins.
2. Cream sugar and margerine of cake mix together.
3. Add eggs and vanilla essence and combine.
4. Sift in flour and raising agent.
5. Spread equally between tins and bake for 30 minutes.
6. When the cake has cooled make icing.
7. Dissolve cocoa in the boiling water to make a paste. Let cool.
8. Cream butter and icing sugar together until light.
9. Combine the butter mix and chocolate paste.
10.  Sandwich the two cake layers together with a little icing and carve shape of hedgehog (like an egg cut vertically)
11. Pipe the icing over the cake from the back to the nose (pointy bit) and smoothen the face.
12. Stick buttons in icing to resemble bristles.
13. Make the nose and eyes with white buttons or smarties.
14. Boast to everyone about you mad baking skills.
Marian x


  1. This cake looks amazing!



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