
Is it too early to be excited for Christmas?

If you said not at all, well then, great. Because I've been totally in the festive mood sense June! It's not that I'm a Holy Joe or anything, I just love the leading up to and atmosphere that comes with Christmas.
For me, this really begins to start a little while after we get back to school. Say end of September/ early October. Especially as last week, when I was in Switzerland, there was a wonderful nip in the air. I could see my misty breath rise into the violet night sky. I got to wear my knitted jumper, warm coat, wooly hat, snuggy scarf and mitten gloves. My cheeks tinged red and I say I could have stayed there forever.
Even now, at the height of Autumn, the crunch and colour of the fallen leaves make me smile. It's perfect weather for a bit of photography (if I had the proper equipment - *cough* *cough* it's on the wishlist) My instagramming will be on the rise shortly, as soon as I can find a free wifi zone. (you've no idea of the torture the countryside is)
And let us not forget Halloween! Not a major event on my calendar. If only I had a few dozen 5 year olds that would willingly let me make their costume. That would be a truly brilliant Halloween! Personally, I hate scary movies. They absolutely terrify me! Although I'm nearly always willing to give the ol' dvd a try, I usually have to change the channel or run screaming out of the room within the first five minutes.
But anyhoo, back to my focal pint:
It is 68 days until Christmas!!!!!
Does that sentence alone not make you want to shriek and jump around, singing Christmas carols? Agh, I'm so excited already! I need to Christmas shopping,.... where's my bag?.....

Happy early Christmas everyone!
Marian ^_^ x

(Dear Srcuges, *clears throat* l.e.a.v.e.)


  1. It is WAY too early to be excited Marian!! :D Call me a Grinch, but Christmas carols playing in lifts a quarter of a year too early just annoys me :D x

    1. *shakes head*
      if I had it my way they'd be playing in September!
      ^_^ x


I solemnly swear to reply every time ^_^