
Interview #1

On the 28th of every month I plan to interview a fabulous blogger. First up is the wonderful Ruby from her book-mad blog: Feed Me Books Now.
Everyone give a warm welcome to Ruby!

one two check check. on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Before we begin I want to thank you very much for being my first interviewee. And also for your amazing entry in the writing competition a few months back. I adore your blog and your book reviews. It's usually where I go to choose what book I'll go track down to read next.
What ever made you decide to create your own blog? I've always loved reading and writing, and so combining those two hobbies seemed like the perfect waste of time! :)

-What's your favourite thing about blogging?
Ummm... There's so much! But what I really love is when somebody reads one of my posts and has something deeply thoughtful to say – it just makes me smile! :) Oh, and and another thing I loooveee are all the amazing bloggers I've met *cough* Marian *cough*.

-On average, how long does it take to read a book? Hmmm... It depends if I like the book. But on average, I'd say one or two nights, I'm quite a fast reader when I want to be.

-Is there anything other than reading that you love as much? Well, I love a lot of things! I've always had a passion for writing, but I'm also quite arty. I keep an art journal (well, I did until I lost it) and I draw a lot in my free time. So yeah, I love anything to do with craft! :P

-Did you ever think your blog would be so popular?
Nooooo.... Definitely not. When I started, my aim was to get 10 followers! When I passed that goal, I got a bit tooooo happy! Like, really happy.

-Do many of your friends know you have a blog? Ummm... To be honest, I haven't told any of them. Well, I've told one of my primary school friends, but I haven't told any of my secondary school friends. I don't know if they'd get it... The person I've told is really into reading, and so it was easy to tell her!

-How did you come up with the name of your blog "Feed Me Books Now"?
It was actually inspired by a quote from the Inkheart series: ''Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be
chewed and digested.''
I liked the concept of books being like food... And so I ended up with a name that sort of reflected that idea. Also, I wanted to add in a little picture of a monster somewhere!

-If you had to rename your blog for some unknown reason, what would you choose? Hmmmm... Probably 'The Book Thief' or maybe 'Bazinga Books!'... Can you guess what inspired me there?

-Ha! Brilliant name. Speaking of Sheldon Cooper, he has a lot of fears like the fear of  falling (which actually is the fear of heights) do you have any weird fears? I'm not scared of anything weird at the moment, but in the past, I did have a lot of ummm... unusual fears. To name a few: I used to have a fear of people wearing my shoes, I used to be scared of my shadow and I used to be terrified of tree houses... I think it's safe to say I've matured.
-What is your favourite TV show? The Big Bang Theory!!!! But I also love Sherlock and Doctor Who!
-And lastly what is your ambition in life? Well, I know it would be difficult, but I've always wanted to publish a book... I write a lot, and so to have other people read my work would be amazing!
And that's a wrap!
Special thanks to Ruby for being such a wonderful interviewee!


A Case of the Blogger's Block

It is infuriating to sit in front of the screen and be completely at a loss. With about  two weeks now, I have absolutely no idea what to blog about. It's not as if I haven't been doing much but nothing seems to inspire me enough. There's about a zillion great ideas out there, and I have come across a few, but I always forget what they are. So to all bloggers of the blogosphere, invest in a pocket notebook. Carry it everywhere and jot down anything, anything at all that captures your interest. You're bound to come up with something someone will like.... hopefully.
I've always tried to keep my blog content at a *suitable for all ages*, even when there were a ton of things that angered me horrified me and inspired me. For example, the raising of the British flag in Northern Ireland, abortion and malala. But does everyone agree with what I have to say or can my big mouth get me in trouble? So I will refrain from extreme outburst of things that don't affect me. Anyway, who wants a teenager yammering on about topics she doesn't really have a clue about.
Craft post are great as long as they are about something new that other people will want to make. Baking is always a delicious option and book reviews, well, I can't get enough of them. But there is one teeny problem, blogger have still not fixed the upload button! I'm sure they will fix it very soooon *cough* *cough* (hint hint blogger!)
I'm going to pose 2 questions to everyone who's reading this:
What do you like in a blog?
What blog content really sparks your interest?


Favourites tag

Hello bloggers of the world. Here's a tag of all my favourites. Enjoy!
Favourite Colour:  Green
Favourite Dinner:  Lasagna
Favourite Band:  the Coronas
Favourite Singer: Florence Welch
Favourite TV programme: Revenge (followed by Grey's Anatomy, New Girl and Big Bang Theory)
Favourite Blog:  Aww, your killing me! I'll have to say ..... Cat's.
Favourite Movie: The Breakfast Club (I have a list you can find here)
Favourite Book: Harry Potter (followed by hush hush saga)
Favourite chocolate: Terry's Chocolate Orange
Favourite destination: Either Italy or Germany
Favourite time of day: Hmmm, 6 am. Not if there's school but because it's still cold outside, the sun is rising and Nature is waking up. The whole day is ahead of you.
Favourite names: Lily, Nina and Noah
Favourite animal: Elephant and Owl
Favourite dessert: Malteser cheese cake
Favourite sport: I kinda like tennis or maybe rugby
Favourite hobby: Reading
Favourite site: PINTEREST!
Favourite ideals in the opposite sex: Tall, Brown eyes and dark hair!
Favourite profession: illustrating books or maybe decorating cakes
Favourite clothing item: pyjamas
Favourite subject: Art
Favourite item in your room: Either my dream catcher or teddy bear.
Favourite  place to go for peace and quiet: my room or else my tree house.
Happy tagging!


A Chili Experience

I've never been one to obsess over hot and spicy food. I think I'm more into Italian. Yes, that tasty pasta and bolognese with the sizzling cheese oozing with yumminess. Mmmmmmmmm.....
Okay, sorry, I'll stop thinking about my grumbling tummy and get right into my story.
Last week, (during big lunch) Rebecca, a newly converted vegetarian, was eating her bowl of leaves with some kind of pesto dressing. It looked like frog spawn that was going moldy. She dared Dawn to drink it - shot style. So Dawn took the small plastic cup in her hands and cautiosly looked in.
"That is disgusting"
"And that's why you have to drink it. All of it! MWAHAHAH!"
(Maybe I'm exagerating a but you get the gist.)
Dawn brought it to her lips with her eyes crossing as she gagged at the sight.
"No! I can't do it. Ugh. It even smells worse"
"Come on Dawn I'll give you a fiver"
Eventually she downed it and suddenly began spluttering. Her face went tomato red as everyone dived out of the way in case there was some kind of pesto explosion. I think she coughed non-stop for almost an hour. I was in hysterics the whole time.
"Guys, that burned like hell. I will get you back Rebecca!" Dawn managed to escape from her lips.

A few days later,  Dawn brought in a pack of chillies, ranging from mild to hot. 9 being the hottest.
"Sophie and Sarah (Dawn's younger sisters" tried some last night. They're not that bad." said Dawn.
"And you're going to get Rebecca to eat the hottest one aren't you?" Alanna guessed.
Dawn smugly nodded and began to laugh evilly as she took out the mildest ones from the pack.
All that was left was numbers: 5, 6, 8 and 9.
The look on Rebecca's face as she evaluated her number 5, long orange Chili.
She took a chunk out, chewed and then swallowed.
"Well?" All four of us said together. (four= Alanna, Dawn, Shana and me)
"You know, it actually isn't too bad"

About five minutes later, Alanna piped up and said she'd like to try the hottest one.
Rebecca agreed to have a bite too.
Each took a nibble and proclaimed it wasn't like what it said on the carton. Rebecca took a big chunk and a  mouthful of seeds....
PAUSE, I should tell you, the seeds are what make it so  hot. (hehe)

"AAAHHHHHHH" Rebecca let out a roar and ran straight for her yogurt and started gulping it down.
The burning lasted 3 hours and according to Rebecca it was a near death experience.
Of coarse, I wanted to have a little more fun with the pepper so during Lunch on the same day, Alanna and Noreen ran off to distract Dawn as me and Shana whipped out the half eaten number 9 red hot chili and began poring the remainder of the seeds into Dawn's crackers.
Later, after she had finished eating her crackers and the rest of us tried to hold in sniggers she announced:
"My lips are really sore. They're stinging like mad."
All of a sudden they began puffing up and going all red. It looked as though she had put on lipstick, blindfolded.
We burst out in hysterics and let slip what had happened. Naturally, Dawn was furious but soon found the situatuion kinda funny.
And that's not all. No sir.
Whilst in double maths, I wiped my eye as I was nodding off but then bolted upright as a seiring hot pain burst through my skull. There somehow was still chili juice on my finger! Clasping my eye and holding in screams Jessica, who sits next to me stared at me and asked if I was okay.
"There's something in my eye!" I exclaimed.
We got up and ran past the teacher without an excuse and into the 6th Year toilets across the coridor.
"Jess, this is going to sound really weird but I think I have chili in my eye"
She looked at me for a second and the broke out in hysterics.
"I'll go get the emergency kit" and she slauntered off to one of the labs to find a science teacher.
She came back with 2 Litres of sterile water and yanked my head into a sink and poured the water into my eye for 20 minutes.
A sixth year walked in and froze at the sight of Jess forcing my head in a sink by the hair and puring water all over my face.
"Is everything alright?" the 6th year asked, probably thinking I was another victim of bullying.
Jessica whipped around and spat out "everything is fine. Okay!"
We came back into the second half of maths, again not saying anything to the teacher, but everyone stared and within minutes the whole of my year seamed to know what happened!
And that was another day in the life of me!


Dear Dylan

Dear Dylan is a book I read a couple of months ago and unlike other books I can still remember what happened. The lovely Siobhan Curham is to thank for bringing such a tale into the world. You can find her helpful writing-tip blog here!
Dear Dylan is a 302 page novel about a teenage girl Georgie who's life is a bit down in the dumps. Her deceased father has been replaced with a troubled step dad, Tone-Deaf, who is pretty much a bully. Her mother is turning to alcohol and her friend is not what I'd call a real friend.
Luckily, Georgie starts emailing her hero Dylan and actually gets a reply! And so an email relationship begins.
I would definitely recommend this book, particularly to younger teenagers because your bound to find something to relate to in it. And if not consider yourself lucky.
What's fascinating is that the whole book is written in emails! The amount of times I have tried and failed at writing a dear diary book using the same concept ( but as a diary entry)! I seriously thought it was impossible but I'm telling you Siobhan somehow managed it!
Best suited for 11+


Virtual Hugs and Melting Crayons

Hello my lovely 54 FOLLOWERS!
        I can't believe I have that many, so thank you, all, for following and commenting.
~~Virtual Hugs~~
About a week ago, I decided to finally try this awesome arty thing that I've seen all over pinterest and we heart it.
All you need for it is:
~a canvas
~source of heat (hair dryer/ fire)
melted cool! I have seen it with the crayons in a row - the circle is stunning!
Melted Crayon Art
All you have to do is glue really good quality crayons such as crayola, to desired place and blast with a hair dryer. Or what's even better is sticking it in front of the fire, leaning against something - but be sure to put some paper under the canvas, you know for the wax waste.
For the one I did, I cut out 2 pieces of paper circled at the top an stuck it under the crayons to block the wax from that part. When I was finished and the wax was hard I removed those papers and replaced them with black paper in the form of 2 people under umbrellas. But I have no photos because there's a problem with blogger uploading system so sorry!!
But here's a few similar to mine:
If It Means A Lot To You
melted crayons
I just really love melted crayon art, okay.
Okay I can't exactly find the right one but basically it's raining colour and there is a man on one side under an umbrella and a woman on the other side under an umbrella and their both looking at each other.
Has anyone else tried this?
If you haven't then I highly recommend it! Even if your not one bit artsy it is sooo easy.
Happy crayon melting!

Get to know me better TAG

Hi everyone,
here's a tag I found on Daria's blog. This one is probably best suited to new bloggers but, hey, there's probably a few things you can learn about me through this tag.
1.Are you named after anyone?   Eh.. no
2.When was the last time you cried? Last night, I was watching the last Harry Potter and just even the thought of no more Harry Potter's brings tears to my eyes. I'm an emotional wreck!
3.Do you have kids? No, not for another decade or two anyway...
4.If you were another person, would you be friends with yourself? Probably not, I'm not a very sociable/friendly person..
5.Do you use sarcasm a lot? I try to but nobody really gets my humour...
6.Will you ever bungee-jump?  Definitely -- Oh the rush (squeel)
7.What's your favourite cereal? I HATE cereal!
8.What's the first thing you notice about people?  Maybe their hair or face
9.What's your eye colour? Blue, though it's kinda dark on the rim then greyer around the black.
10.Scary movies or happy endings? Happy Endings! Who like's a sad ending?
11.Favourite smells? Baking , new book, vanilla, watermelon
12.Summer or Winter? This is such a tough one. If it is winter there will have to be snow! But in summer, I don't really like the heat  but seeing as this is Ireland there is no chance of that.
13.Computer or Television? Computer, with blogger, pinterest, we heart it, you tube... The computer kind of acts as a tv anyway, doesn't it?
14.What's the furthest you have been away from home? Um, Spain
15.Do you have any special talents?  I don't think so, I enjoy a lot of things but being good at them isn't always true.
16.Where were you born? Ireland
17.What are your hobbies? Blogging, reading, drawing, crafting, baking, knitting, playing the piano, guitar, monopoly, cluedo and sims.
 18.Do you have any pets? Yeah, 8 cats
19.Favourite Movie? The Breakfast Club (recommend it!)
20.Do you have any siblings? I have one annoying, selfish, mean, despicable, horrid, 11 year old sister.
21.What do you want to be when you grow up? This question  scares me so much. Honestly, I don't know! Maybe a graphic designer/interior designer/magazine editor/ environmentalist/ physicist/Doctor/ gardener/ author/ artist/ CIA agent/ Creative thinker
Leave a link if you've done this tag too!


December Nom Noms

Saw it, Wanted it, Threw a fit but.. didn't get it.... =(
From left to right: Breakfast at Tiffany's movie, Cute Cupcake Beanie, knitting needles and wool, Monopoly Cork Edition, Infinity necklace, The fault in our stars by John Green the book, glitter tights with hearts, Peter Pan Collar Dress, Cute vintage camera.
Farewell December