
Get to know me better TAG

Hi everyone,
here's a tag I found on Daria's blog. This one is probably best suited to new bloggers but, hey, there's probably a few things you can learn about me through this tag.
1.Are you named after anyone?   Eh.. no
2.When was the last time you cried? Last night, I was watching the last Harry Potter and just even the thought of no more Harry Potter's brings tears to my eyes. I'm an emotional wreck!
3.Do you have kids? No, not for another decade or two anyway...
4.If you were another person, would you be friends with yourself? Probably not, I'm not a very sociable/friendly person..
5.Do you use sarcasm a lot? I try to but nobody really gets my humour...
6.Will you ever bungee-jump?  Definitely -- Oh the rush (squeel)
7.What's your favourite cereal? I HATE cereal!
8.What's the first thing you notice about people?  Maybe their hair or face
9.What's your eye colour? Blue, though it's kinda dark on the rim then greyer around the black.
10.Scary movies or happy endings? Happy Endings! Who like's a sad ending?
11.Favourite smells? Baking , new book, vanilla, watermelon
12.Summer or Winter? This is such a tough one. If it is winter there will have to be snow! But in summer, I don't really like the heat  but seeing as this is Ireland there is no chance of that.
13.Computer or Television? Computer, with blogger, pinterest, we heart it, you tube... The computer kind of acts as a tv anyway, doesn't it?
14.What's the furthest you have been away from home? Um, Spain
15.Do you have any special talents?  I don't think so, I enjoy a lot of things but being good at them isn't always true.
16.Where were you born? Ireland
17.What are your hobbies? Blogging, reading, drawing, crafting, baking, knitting, playing the piano, guitar, monopoly, cluedo and sims.
 18.Do you have any pets? Yeah, 8 cats
19.Favourite Movie? The Breakfast Club (recommend it!)
20.Do you have any siblings? I have one annoying, selfish, mean, despicable, horrid, 11 year old sister.
21.What do you want to be when you grow up? This question  scares me so much. Honestly, I don't know! Maybe a graphic designer/interior designer/magazine editor/ environmentalist/ physicist/Doctor/ gardener/ author/ artist/ CIA agent/ Creative thinker
Leave a link if you've done this tag too!


  1. Wow! Eight cats! What are their names? My cat's called Mitsi- great post!

    1. Aww! I love cats except fully white ones, I have a phobia against them!
      Well my cats are called Mona, Jaws, Fudge, Oscar (he's my gay cat), Pluto, Autumn and Winter.
      Oh and my baby girl; Daisy!
      Marian :D x

  2. I was gonna say 'you want to be a CIA agent?" but now I figure it would make more sense to ask 'is being a creative thinker actually a job?' Great post! XD

    1. Hehe, yeah... am no I don't believe it is. But if it were I would be the manager! ^_^

  3. Please don't tell me your one of those cereal loving people! I'll ask you this, why do you like to eat it? It's like cardboard!!!! I've tried every time and there is NOTHING nice about any of them! Porridge is flavourless and looks like vomit. Wheatabix is shreded wood and all the rest are sugar coated paper!
    Blugh, even the thought of cereal is horific!

  4. Hey what's your We heart it account, I have one too.

  5. Great work doing the tagging! Really cool!

  6. Loved your tag. I'm posting mine on Tuesday but for a fact it won't be as awesome as yours.
    I also sent you the invitation to Lilac Daisies and I'm wondering if you got it as I'm not sure if I sent it to the correct e-mail.
    I posted our interview yesterday so feel free to check it out.
    - Abbie.

    1. Thanks, can't wait to see yours! Yeah.. um... could you re-send it??.... I kinda messed it up...
      I'll go check out the interview now!
      Marian :D x

    2. Great!!! A few seconds ago I re-sent the invitation so I hope that got to you okay.
      Thanks so much for your comment on our interview.
      - Abbie

  7. Hey! I just followed your blog :) please please please follow my blog! I really need more followers.

    Gabriella xx

    1. Thank you, yeah sure I'll go check out your blog now! :D x

  8. I'm gonna try this!! I totally know how you feel on number 5 and 20 (my sister is 11 as well)Oh yeah and cereal... eww. Although to be honest i really cant eat in the mornings anyway. cool blog! followed.
    - Rachel x

    1. Hehe, thanks for the comment! But you're not coming up as following...... ?
      Marian :D x


I solemnly swear to reply every time ^_^