
June Round Up

June is already over and it only feels like yesterday that summer began. That's a whole month of holidays gone in a blink. It was a really busy month, I must say. I had to take a few days out after the stress of those hideous exams (shudders), I spent that by lying on the grass reading under the wonderful (yet rare) sun. In the blogging world, however, I had a lot more time to read lots of cool posts and try and find unique blogs. On the book side of things, I only read four books! I mean, how is that possible! (shakes in head disbelief). They were four very good books though.

The Night Circus was therefore my first review. I'm not sure if I got it across thoroughly through that post but you HAVE TO READ IT!

The Characters come to Life followed soon after because I kept thinking what actors should play whom in different books.

I decided to do a meme of Top Ten Beach Reads. That was kinda boring.

Inspiration Board was my crafty post of the month and was so much fun making it!

The Da Vinci Code was the only other book I reviewed. I love to read I'm just not very good at reviewing them....

I did a Birthday Haul because it was (obviously) my birthday....

And that haul happened to be posted whilst I was parading around London. Had a brilliant time there. All I've done since is watch wicked videos and stalk cast members on twitter.

The interview of this month was with the lovely Cat.

And that's it for June, see you in July... I mean tomorrow.


Interview #6

Hi Cat a warm welcome to my humble abode.
Thank you for having me! It's an honour to be here. ^_^

You've been blogging for a long while now, tell me, what is it about blogging that made you stick with it?
It's a mixture of things. I think the main reason is simply because I love blogging and it's became a normal part of my life over the years. It does sometimes feel like a chore if I'm running low on ideas but I always get my passion back as soon as I've had a little time away. I think because I've been at it a good chunk of my life I would miss it a crazy amount if I stopped. Also, I get amazing feedback from readers and a lot of support which keeps me motivated.

You've very cleverly named you're blog "Through a Cat's Eyes", but if you had to choose any other title what would it be?
Oh wow, I have no idea! My blog started out as "What I've done today" (lame, I know) so I guess if I hadn't thought of "Through a Cat's Eyes" it would still be called that.

Imagine this, you're stuck on an island, completely deserted when you find a tea pot washed in with the waves. It happens to be a genie lantern, he grants you one wish for any object you may fancy (but you cannot wish for more wishes). What is the wish?
Awesome question :D We got asked a similar question in my primary school year book when I left and as far as I remember I said I would wish for a kettle.... Somehow I think my answer has changed since then. :P Now I think I would wish for a phone with unlimited call time and texts so I could keep in contact with my friends and family until I get off the island. I wouldn't go insane if I had someone to talk to.

In your opinion what makes a great blogger?
Someone who is completely individual and true to themselves; someone who doesn't conform and try to become popular by doing what they think is "right" , someone who doesn't really care what people think of their blog. I think that these things just come with time because I find that some new bloggers think that there is some sort of formula that makes a good blogger, but there really isn't. It's all about being yourself. :)

Besides blogging what are your hobbies?
I'm obsessed with paying ukulele.... I have a pink uke called Gus and he is quite literally the love of my life.  I also play piano (my keyboard is called Fletcher and my piano is called Margo...)  but I kinda go through phases of playing a lot then not playing at all for a while. Of course I also love reading and watching films but the weather's been picking it up a bit recently so I've been spending more time out with my friends :D It's quite sad but I'd say I spend most of my time watching YouTube videos, I found YouTube in 2009 and got sucked in. I still haven't found my way out of that black hole. O_O

You are given the chance to design one room in The Night Circus (have you read the book?) , using all of your creativity, uniqueness and magic, describe this tent in the circus. Remember there are no limits.
I haven't actually read The Night Circus I'm afraid..... :(

What are your aspirations for the future?
Questions like this scare the hell out of me because I quite literally have no idea. Emma Blackery recently made a video saying that it's okay not to have an ambition and not to know what you want out of life, which made me feel a lot better, but I'm still feeling rubbish about not knowing where I'm headed.  :( if money was no issue then I would happily spend my life renovating houses and old derelict buildings, along with designing houses for my friends and family.... I'd love to be an interior designer but at the same time I have a real interest in politics. .... I'm so confused >_<

Thanks Cat!
Thank you for having me! :D



Loose in London

I still don't understand how our parents could let 4 teenagers on their own for five days in one of the biggest cities in the world! For months now, I have been saving every penny and sacrificing  my social life to afford this holiday. But it was TOTALLY WORTH IT! I mean, wow....... London is HUGE! And there are people from every culture there.  We landed last Tuesday in Heathrow, after a very exciting morning,  our flight had an emergency landing so that wasn't a great omen. We stayed in an apartment that was mega modern but really tiny. My feet hurt so much after walking regent street and oxford down to covent garden. According to Dawn I had tumer-like extra toe that was indeed a very nasty blister. We were the best tourists London ever had.
Here are my favourite places we visited:
WickedThis is the best musical I have EVER SEEN. I would classify it as a must do before I die. I am obsessed with Wicked, my most played tracks on my ipod are all Wicked. As far as I know it was the awesome Louise Dearman and Gina Beck that played Elphaba and Glinda last Thursday the 20th of June (if anyone can confirm this, please do?). I was completely dazzled by their performance and I can't express how brilliant this show is. Wicked is completely enchantingly deadly.
London Eye
This was a nice way to see the city. It is really slow and cold but the view from the pods are just breath taking. The queue wasn't that long (well an hour...). Next time I come to London (oh yes, I will be back!) I don't think I'll visit it again. It's more of a been there done that. But if it's your first time visiting you just have to go on the London Eye.
Bus Tour
This was actually really fun. We got to sit on an open roof bus (which is always going to make my day). This is where I probably took the most pictures. I got to pass J.K Rowling's house among other famous peoples and saw really expensive cars. We passed Westminster Abbey, Big Ben, Madam Tussauds and even had a free river cruise.  It was also great to finally sit down!
Madam Tussauds
The queue for this was unbearably long! I think we were standing in line for almost 2 hours just to buy tickets. And we were in a rush to have dinner as well as see Wicked, so we pretty much ran through it, pushing people out of the way to get pictures. There's one of me and Ghandi (please ignore any sunburn you may see.... who knew you could get burnt in London?!) Some wax figures were very fake while others were startlingly real. My favourite of course is Emma Watson, the Beatles and the royal family tied in second place. The scream place inside there is cool too. I  screamed the whole way as we walked around while clinging onto Noreen. It is not actually that scary but the man beforehand giving out the rules terrified me. Make sure to have a lot of time here for full enjoyment.
M & M's World
This is exactly what it is. It is M&M's World. It is dazzling! The smell of the chocolate wafting from that shop.... We visited there everyday! It's just so colourful. It reminds me of Willy Wonka's factory with giant M&Ms instead of oompaloompas.
Summing it all up, London is WICKED! It was an incredible experience for a mere 17 year old. I came away with a new obsession, a sun burn, an oxford university jumper and 2 pounds. By the way, sterling is theee most confusing currency ever! Why on earth are some coins bigger that higher values. It just doesn't make any sense!......
Oh and may I also say, why are British boys so good looking????!!!!



Birthday Haul

So I've turned 17, an age that still seems so old. Am I more mature?
Any way, here's all my little prezzies!
1. Cards, a must have on birthdays.
2. My yummy chocolate cake. Thanks Dad!
3. Munch, featuring my two favourites Terry's and Moro
4.DVDs, Hanna and Les Miserables.
5 A personalised card from my oldest friend Aisling (Hi Aisling *waves violently at screen*). You can see a picture of me and her somewhere there, guess who's me...
6. A bag, came all the way from Santa Ponza.
7. Money, in this incredibly strange currency called sterling. So guess where I'm headed...
8. A birthday is not complete without a book, The 5th Wave.
9. A floral bag that came in the post, it was a complete surprise that made me dance madly around my bedroom with excitement.
Thanks for all the presents (even though none of ye read my blog... besides Aisling..)


The Da Vinci Code

Title: The Da Vinci Code
Author: Dan Brown

Pages: 589

A quest almost as old as time itself
An object thought lost forever
A deadly race to possess it
The Louvre, Paris: the elderly curator of the museum had been violently murdered in the Grand Gallery. Harvard professor Robert Langdon is summoned to decipher the baffling codes which the police find alongside the body. As he and a gifted French cryptologist, Sophie Neveu, sort through the bizarre riddles, they are stunned to find a trail that leads to the works of Leonardo Da Vinci - and suggests the answer to an age-old mystery that stretches deep into the vault of history.
Unless Langdon and Neveu can decipher the Labyrinthine code and quickly assemble the pieces of the puzzle, a stunning historical truth will be lost forever...

My thoughts
My first initial reaction as I read it went something like this "Ugh, another predictable crime plot... zzzz". Even though the first 3 or 400 pages were supposed to be full of suspense as Robert and Sophie uncovered thrilling secrets and riddles, I just didn't like it. This was probably because I have seen the movie and already knew about The Last Supper Painting .... However, I was totally stunned when Leigh- um, I won't tell what happens, but that twist totally shocked me. And just when I was recovering from said twist, another incredibly surprising twist unfolds!

The Cover
I like that the red makes it very eye-catching and stands out on my book shelf, but it is very overpowering. The variety of font creates this messy effect that just makes me shake my head and tut. The picture of the Louvre and crptex is very useful for visualising in my mind but that's as far as the positives go for the cover.

Would I recommend it?
hmm... yes. The story is very cleverly crafted. Everything just fits together nicely. I like the resolution ending, but I doubt I'd read another book by Dan Brown. His writing skill just doesn't appeal to me.

Happy Reading!


Inspiration Board DIY

Yesterday, I was busy making this really cute and unique inspiration poster. I recently took everything down off my walls, so they were looking a little bare and I thought they needed more of a personal touch rather than all the celebrities posters that made it impossible to find the door. I'm not quite finished yet, but I was really excited about this craft idea that I just had to blog about it.
All you need
a notice board or even an A3 sheet of paper
Lots of pretty pictures, all the same size
Cut-outs from magazines that inspire you
(and if you're using a notice board, maybe some thumbtacks)

I printed off pictures from weheartit and then glued them on to create side borders. At either end, I scribbled "Inspiration" and "Board", I made a dashed line to spate the words from the centre, also making a stitched look.
Then I filled the centre with lots of little bits and bobs that I really like. In the corner, I drew a bookshelf and have so far placed a few books (drawings and pictures) on it.
You can fill this space with anything you like. Some quotes are a really good idea.
This board can be themed as well. For instance, if you're having trouble with the (seriously annoying) question "What are you planning to do with you're life?", then forget money and college, just picture what you would like to do, be or see and find those pictures/ write them out and then stick them on the board!

It's as easy as crumb pie!


Top Ten Beach reads

I've enjoyed reading the is meme on a lot of blogs recently so I've decided to give it a go. It is hosted by the Broke and the Bookish
This week the theme is:
Top Ten Beach reads.
1. The summer I turned pretty is a very summery book. It is set in a beach house where Belly stays every holiday. There is fun, sun and a bit of romance too.
2. And you might as well read the next in the series:It's not Summer without you. There's a bit of a twist in this one and Bely has to face the choice of which brother is right for her?
3. To finish of the trilogy, read We'll always have summer.
4. Amy and Roger's epic detour is a fun book that made me desperately want to find a car and just drive. A road trip is now on my to-do list but first I need to learn to drive..
5. Water for Elephants is an incredible story that will you keep gripped. I adore this book and believe everyone should read it!
6. The Last Song will make you break down in tears, probably not what you want whilst on the beach surrounded by people, but It is worth wile reading.
7. Dear John is another good read for the summer.
8. P.S. I love you, is an easy read. It has some funny moments and is feel-good book.
9. The Gallagher Girl series is quick paced and addictive. It's a great way to pass the time sunbathing.
10. Lastly why not read the classic Emma?
Enjoy reading on the beach or by the pool, but don't let your books get wet, speaking from experience it is not very amusing...


The Characters come to Life

Usually people have some idea how characters look in books. More often than not, when the movie comes out there's a lot of annoyance over the actors. You see actors play a key role in a reader's life. We, regularly, read the book prior to  visiting the cinema, therefore we have our own versions of how the character should look, talk and walk (well maybe not walk....)
I have a formed imaginary cast of specific characters from books without movie versions (..for the present time)

The Night Circus

Celia Bowen

(From left to right)
Alexis Bledel,
Lily Collins,
Emma Watson

Ben Barnes,
Gaspard Ulliel

Ellie Darcey-Alden
The Book Thief
Willow Shields
Freddie Highmore
(probably too old now...)
 Mr. Hubermann
Gabriel Byrne
F. Murray Abraham
Mrs. Hubermann
Mirium Margoyle
(not what I had in mind but close enough)
The Gallagher Girls
Shatiene Woodley

Tiffany Hines
Brigit Mendler
Drew Roy

Hush Hush

Emma Roberts
Molly Quinn
Ian Sommerhalder,
Drew Roy,
Louis Prades
Alex Pettyfer
The Summer I turned Pretty
Indiana Evans
Matt Lanter
Alex Pettyfer
Julia Roberts
So what so you think?
*braces self for shouts of anger and objection*


Book review: The Night Circus

There is a circus that comes without warning and only opens at night. It is a magical, black and white phenomenon, that captivates the visitors as well as the reader. This circus also happens to be the venue for a (very confusing) game between two contestants who also do not know the rules nor each other.

What I liked: The magical atmosphere conjured from this book. I fell in love with the circus as well as the characters. Especially Herr Thiesen, Poppet, Widget and Bailey. For some reason Widget reminded me of Ron Weasley, accept smarter.... The colours, black and white were a big feature that truly made this book and circus unique.

What I disliked: not much. I didn't really care too much for Marco; I just didn't feel I got to know him well enough.
Bit mainly it was the fact that I read this book during exam time.... Big no no! When I was studying, all I wanted to do was read and when I was reading it I felt guilty for neglecting study!

The Cover: Amazing. It totally stands out from other books. The black and white is fabulous and I love how the red is incorporated just like the reveurs.

What stuck with me: my love of clocks. I'm actually fascinated by them now.
“Only the ship is made of books, its sails thousands of overlapping pages, and the sea it floats upon is dark black ink.”
... and of course the room with the books
as good as 5 cups of tea!
Happy Reading!