
Yet another award!

This really unique award is from the awesome Emily. Can I just say one thing before I begin... thank god there is no facts!
The Toujou Blog Award!
Toujou is a Haitian Creole word for always, so a toujou blogger is someone's blog you always ALWAYS read. So here are the rules:

1. If tagged you must tag five others, giving each a quick sentence as to why you ALWAYS read their posts, and tell them that you've tagged them.

2. If tagged you must post your five favourite words. I know, I know, most people do facts, but facts are hard to think of so...

3. If and only if you want to/can be bothered to/have time to you can put up five questions for the people you've tagged. If and only if you want to/can be bothered to/have time to you can ANSWER the five questions your tagger set. If you want to answer questions but your tagger left none, answer your own questions :)
My 5 favourite words are:
1. obviously
2. bazinga
3. precariously
4. outrageous
5. magical
People I tag:
~Emily's Chronicles: (mwahahaha, you never said anything about tagging back) - I adore this blog because mainly her english is so engaging and just wow. I often need my dicionary. Also these ~face things~ make me laugh out loud.
~Nicola's Notebook: - I only came across this blog not so long ago but have been hooked ever since. She has really cute craft ideas and it's really honest. It's very versatile as well.
~A Day Dreamer's World- this is one of the first blogs I ever found. I love it because it's about the everyday life of a teenager. She write's about relevant and interesting things like books, movies and right now the olympics
~Life of an Awkward Donkey- this is hilarious. Especially her remarks. It's a LOL Blog.
~Just Floating Along- Holly has a mixture of topics which are all really interesting. She also hosts games like writing captions for hilarious photos.
I wish I could tag more!  There's 3 other blogs I wanted to tag and I had to choose between them!
Moving on....
1. Favourite song lyrics?
~Taylor Swift, Best Day
And now I know why the all the trees change in the fall
I know you were on my side even when I was wrong
And I love you for giving me your eyes
For staying back and watching me shine
And I didn't know if you knew, so I'm takin' this chance to say
That I had the best day with you today

~Katy Perry, Wide Awake

I'm wide awake
And now it's clear to me
That everything you see
Ain't always what it seems
I'm wide awake
Yeah, I was dreaming for so long

2. Pet hates?
When your in class and the person next to you keeps talking! and if she uses up pretty much all of the desk! When a person writes in my book!! When someone starts talking during my favourite Tv shows. When someone takes a drink out of my bottle/glass! The list goes on....

3. If you could change one thing about your appearance, what would it be?

  My freckle on my arm. Well there's 3 of them and it looks like a koala bear. Often my friends draw a smile under it to make it a "happy koala bear". You see the middle one is approx 5 mm in diameter.

4. If there was one endangered species that you could prevent from being extinct, what would it be?
Elephants. Yes they are endangered. All species of elephant are "vulnerable".
5. What colours appear most frequently in your wardrobe?
Blue. Though there is quite a lot of maroon. And I have a lot of pastel/ floral pieces as well!

My Questions:
Favourite Flower?
Favourite Film?
If there was one thing you could do... anything... absolutly anything?( like go to hogwarts ;D)
Team Jacob or Team Edward?
How often do you paint your nails?(Weird question I know)

Thanks Emily. Even though awards are so painstakingly long I love them.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for nominating me and saying all the amazing things about my blog! I love yours too-I will post about it next


I solemnly swear to reply every time ^_^