
I'm Drowning

Can anyone hear me!!!! I said I'm Drowning.
No not in water! How could I be typing my blog while drowning in the sea???
I'm drowning in Blog awards!

The Versatile Blog award
A huge thanks to Sophie , Charli, Sunny, Nushi  Nicola and Georgia for nominating me for this award.
You can find that post here!

The Toujou Blog award
Thank you very much Nicola. I loved what you said about my little blog. You can find that post here.

And her questions:
Favourite school subject? ~ Art
City or countryside? ~ Countryside
Save money or spend? ~ Spend
Pens or pencils? ~ Pens
Early bird or night owl? ~ Night Owl

Adorable Blog Award
Thanks so much to the lovely Erin who nominated me and created this fabulous award.
Thanks also to Nattasha from her blog, pink sugar dollings.

1: You must tag 3 other people when you have been nominated.
2: You must let the nominees know that you have nominated them.
3: Post 4 facts about yourself.
4: You can set 5 questions for your nominees if you want to or can be bothered to.
5: You must put up the icon for the award somewhere in your post and thank the person/peoples who nominated you.

I tag...

My facts:
1. I got a fringe yesterday. EEeeek! I haven't had one since I was 4! (Is it called bangs in Britain?)
2. I am currently on Grade 7 on Piano.
3. It is abnormal for the weather to be so hot in Ireland. I swear the sun is like a UFO!
4. I went to see William Butler Yeats' grave today.

1: Favourite song lyric? ~ It changes all the time but at the moment it's: And now I know why the all the trees change in the fall
I know you were on my side even when I was wrong
And I love you for giving me your eyes
For staying back and watching me shine
And I didn't know if you knew, so I'm takin' this chance to say
That I had the best day with you today
2: Most bizzarre habit? Amm... I really don't know.
3: What kind of places do you hang about with your friends? School, cinema, Mc D's, park.
4: Awesomest moment of your life? Achieving 23 Followers!!!
5: Are you a dog person or a cat person? Both.

 My 5 Qs for the tags:
1) Who is the most famous person you've met?
2)Colour eyes?
3) What is the weather like while you type this?
4)Favourite subject?
5) Play any instruments?

The Rose Petals and Daisy Chains Award
Thank you Nattasha for giving me this award.

  • You must thank your award giver
  • If given this award you must give it to 5 other blogs, but if you are somebody who can't choose, then you don't have to nominate anyone. Though it is preferred to choose 5 other bloggers
  • Put this picture on your blog
  • Notify your chosen nominees of their nomination and tell them why you chose their blog
  • Answer these 5 questions
  1. Favourite Candy
  2. Favourite breed of Dog or any animal
  3. Favourite Book
  4. Favourite Flower
  5. Favourite Song
My answers:
1. Does that mean chocolate or sweets? (not famiar with this term) ... terry's chocolate orange bar or penny sweets
2. King Charles Spaniel or Elephant
3. Harry Potter
4. Lily
5. Stranger like me ( Tarzan) or else Dog Days (Florence and the machine)

I tag:

I am so behind.
I'm sorry if I haven't commented or read your latest post yet but I will get round to it.


  1. You,,, you didn't tag me! In either!! WAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! But it's okay, I'll forgive you if you enter my latest competition..(: <3

  2. My condolences! Next time I get one ( oh yes I'm that confident I'll get one ;D) I promise I'll tag you And if there is questions I'll make them SUPER hard!
    I didn't know you had a competition running! (Stupid computer not showing up right information)Defo entering. But I'm not at home and this stupid computer does not let me save photos so it might be a while before I send it to you!
    Marian :D x


I solemnly swear to reply every time ^_^