
My fear of Mother's day.

There are only two days in the year that I really dread. No it's not any Friday 13th, although they do make me apprehensive. But Mother's day somehow has a big affect on me. Now as we come up to it, it seems to be everywhere. I don't know if anyone else notices it or maybe it's just the fact that I'm super aware of anything to do with "mothers". Open a magazine for instance and you will probably find some gift ideas for the "mammys". Even small things like when people are talking in school about how their "mum" is being so unfair and not letting them go to the disco or even an advertisement for flowers for mother's day. When I hear any of these things my throat gets really tight and all of a sudden I become numb. Then at night I will usually shed a few tears if the day wasn't so good or if it is like now; getting close to the day.
I saw a picture around valentine's day that caught my eye:
summer1101 / Pinterest

I fall into the second category. My mother died 6 years ago. I was 10. The last memory of her alive was when I was walking up to school and my little sister was ahead of me and I remembered I hadn't said goodbye so I turned around and waved and she smiled and waved back. So now as you can see this time does make me into an emotional wreck. Like right now, as I'm typing this it feels like a ball of flames is lodged at the back of my throat. I'm not sure why I'm telling you all this, I guess I just need to get it off my chest. For those of you that are lucky enough to still have some form of a mother remember to do something extra nice for her this Sunday because there may not always be another opportunity.


  1. I'm sorry for your loss... I mean, I've never even met you in person or anything, but reading this still made me a bit emotional. The quote/picture is really true, and I can't stand the way that some people don't think of others. I hate valentines day just because people are always saying stuff like 'I'm forever alone' or whatever... All they do is think of themselves... Sorry for rambling... I just have some very strong opinions :/

    1. Hehe, thanks and I totally agree with you! ^_^

  2. Marian darling, I am so sorry for your loss. I was actually crying!!!! And you were so young. Nobody that so young should go through that. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.
    I really admire that you posted this as it inspires others. I am so sorry Marian :-(

  3. I'm really sorry to hear this... I agree with you completely that many people take their family (or even their friends, too) for granted. Well said and keep up the inspiring posts :)

    1. Thanks! Yes, We really should appreciate our family and friends a lot more. <3

    2. You're welcome.. I have an award for you at my blog if you're interested :)

    3. Yeah, I'd love an award! Go raibh mile maith agat (seachtain na Gaeilge!)

  4. My heart goes out to you, darling! Your story truly touched my heart <3 Hang in there and stay strong!

  5. This might have made me cry except that I'm in the library, but I did well up... Sending you hugs :)

  6. I feel devastated for you, this post made me cry and made me realize just how lucky I am! All my love.. X

  7. omg I'm soo sorry for you! you made me realize how lucky I am. my heart goes out to you Marian! love rachel x

  8. I am so sorry... I hate it when people at valentines day worry about not having a boyfriend or whatever, they still have family and friends! This was such an inspirational post... you have reminded me how lucky I am xxxx

    I am a new follower! Love your blog! Just wondering if you would mind checking out my blog and maybe following?

    Thanks so much!

    ~Ellie:) xxx

    1. Thanks Ella!
      I will definitely go have a peek at your blog! ^_^ x

  9. Wow. Sorry for your loss. It's true, people are all like woe is me, I don't have a Valentine. I was one of those people who used that picture. I lost my best friend 2 years ago, and I guess it's not quite as hard, but it's still horrible.
    Hope you're OK.
    Charli xxx

    1. Losing a friend must me horrible!!
      Virtual Hugs!! <3

  10. Hey I just found your blog and it is awesome I was wondering if you would check mine out

    Thanks I am following!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sanna xx

    1. Thanks! I will be sure to go see your blog ^_^

  11. I am so sorry for your loss, Marian. I know it was years ago, but I'm sure time doesn't make it any easier. I am thinking of you, and I really admire you for writing this post - you're so brave. Ella xx

  12. Great inspirational post. <3
    You have been nominated for the Liebster Blog Award! Deets here:

  13. I adore your blog so much and I've nominated you for the 'Liebster Award'. Details can be found here -

    Congrats and you are working extremely hard!! xxx


I solemnly swear to reply every time ^_^