
November Nom Noms

This is Novembers most wanted (by me).

From left to right: The Deathly Hallows ring from Harry Potter, Owl earrings (I'm a bit obsessed with owls), cute panda beanie, The Perks Of being a Wallflower novel, shades of purple nail varnish, floral hipster rucksack, mugs with knitted covers, traditional Christmas jumper, moustache keyring in support of Movember.
Till next year November!


Adorkable by Sarra Manning

"Welcome to the dorkside. It's going to be a bumpy ride..."
Jeane Smith's a blogger, a dreamer, a dare-to-dreamer, a jumble sale queen, CEO of her own lifestyle brand and has half a million followers on twitter.
Michael Lee's a star of school, stage and playing field. A golden boy in a Jack Wilis hoodie.
They have nothing in common but a pair of cheating exes. So why can't they stop snogging?
Intriguing right? Well for me I only picked it up because I saw the word blogger. Not something I'd recommend  (only buying a book because a word caught your eye). But I'm glad I did though. At first, when I began reading I was totally not impressed, the characters were down right mean! You see, it's from the perspective of Jeane and Michael in different chapters. They are complete opposites. Michael- hot, popular, cool, close family. Jeane -opinionated, loner, quirky, irritating, lives on her own in an apartment because she doesn't get on with her parents.
This book is fun, a light read that doesn't way you down. Do I recommend it? Yeah! Probably suits 14+ as there is content not suitable for young readers. It really took me by surprise as it it not like any other book I read. It's interesting to see how the characters evolve.
I assume you've already gathered the main character is a blogger and guess what? There is such a blog! It's called The Adorkable Blog and it's run by Sarra Manning the author. Check it out!
There is also a twitter account belonging to Jeane. If you want to find that you can go to my twitter account and see who I follow. It should be there somewhere....
So over all: Love the book! Do not read if you are under 14/15. Out of ten...


Best Christmas Movies - You Choose

This is your chance to nominate your favourite Christmas movies! The categories are:
Traditional (basically involving Santa, Christmas eve...)
Best Overall

All you have to do is comment below with as many movies as you like in any category.

I'll get things rolling shall I?
comedy~ Elf
Kids~ Home Alone
Traditional~ The Santa Clause (series)
Best Overall~ Jack Frost and The Holiday

Okay,your turn!
* All Nominees have to be in before 1st of December *


Muse Monday

It's Monday again. To brighten up this one and help me cope through the rest of the week, today's muse is Music!
So here's a few that were recently played on my ipod:
Hall of Fame ~ The Script ft. Will.I.AM

The Last Time ~ Taylor Swift and Gary Lightbody

Taylor Swift ~ I knew you were trouble

Happy Muse Monday


Gift idea

I think it is about time I do a craft post. It's been so long since I did my "usual stuff" (book reviews, craft, baking...)
A couple of weeks ago it was one of my friends birthday. It was over midterm and there was no way I would be near any shop so out came paper, scissors and double-sided tape.

A Memory Book
What you will need:
5 blank cards
scissors or even better a paper slicer for straight lines
double sided sellotape
punch holer
foam stickers to give the impression of 3-D
pretty paper with lots of design
and a few pictures of the person who will own it

1. stick the cards together as shown in picture. (make sure the front resembles opening a book)
2. pick plain coloured paper for background. Cut to right size and stick to each page.
3. Then use pattern paper and cut at angles to look like like a pocket.
Make sure to only stick the sides of the pocket to give room for what will go inside
Continue until all pages are full
Then cut out 6 frames for the pictures so they fit into the pocket.
I forgot to take more pictures of this one, but here is one I completed last year
And don't forget the cover
That's it!
Happy crafting


Knock, Knock

Who's there?  
Haha, those jokes are so almost as bad as the penguin jokes.
On a completely different note, I went to Knock yesterday! It is a holy place in county Mayo in Ireland. My school year was on a retreat so we had to leave at 7:30 in the morning to make it there for 12. Bus ride was fun where Alanna, Shana, Rebecca and me played the truth and dare app for a few hours. One of the dares was to let someone do my hair:
Never again!
   We began in a candle lit room where we wrote a letter of prayer, then we went to the museum.There, there was a imitation of the cottages the people who saw the apparitions would have lived in. We went into one of the imitation work places where a recording was being played and a furnace burning. Rebecca was sure someone was hiding behind it so we creeped around the corner as this old man rattled on about the harvest from the stereo in the corner. Next thing Alanna screamed and we went running out, yelling at the top of our voices.
You probably don't find it as funny as it was. I guess it's have to be there  thing!

Anyhoo, have a great weekend!
(and happy 17th birthday Rebecca)


Muse Monday


This is a new feature on my blog where every Monday I will hopefully post about something that has inspired me recently or found something really cool and want to share with you all.
At the bottom of my screen here, it say it's Monday so today's muse will be ... BOOKS!
  Yes, those delightful paperbacks you spend every spare moment of your day with your nose tucked in it as if you were inhaling the paper, ink and often mouldy smell. I find them very inspiring because it leaves people experience things they never will get an opportunity to do. You can be a vampire or a little girl in World War II or a witch or a contestant in the Hunger Games or even an ordinary girl with a not so ordinary life just by reading a book.
  At the moment I am reading Dear Dylan by Siobhan Curham, and on the verge of sending a flock of emails to every person in the world who has inspired me.. (if you read the book you'll understand)
  And if you are one of those people who does not read often because it reminds you too much of school or bores you too much, give it another shot
--just make sure it is a good book that has been recommended-- not all books will wow you!

Happy Muse Monday!


Speaks through microphone; "The RESULTS ARE IIIIIIIINNNNNN!"

Ladies, gents, donkeys and ducks!
I can finally announce after painstakingly going through all those entries (note: sarcasm. .. glares virtually at everyone who didn't enter) who the winners are.
Shall I begin with the cover?
Alright then the runner up (or should I call it second?) is

Well done Becky for your terrific entry. I loved how she used a whortleberry frame and made the title stand out. Also the auhtor name was very clear.

And in 1st place is......
(french horn now please)
Ruby from Feed me Books Now

Her book cover was superb! The colours were really eye catching and I loved the rhetorical question in the bottom. Font was wow too. (how do you do it? really)
Next is the short stories!
The runner up is ...
Well done! Her story was called "The Night the Sirens Came"
I was suspicous at the start then it got really eerie and then come the completely bizarre!
I was left with a few questions but isn't that what stories are supposed to do?
Really great story but so confusing. (Were do you come up with it?)
And in 1st place is
Ruby (again)
Her story was called "The Cappuccinos murders"
She had an excellent opening and I was a bit shocked but kept wanting to read more.
It appealed to my senses and had a great sense of humor. It was really gripping but agian I was totally shocked when it ended! I am still confused...
But excellent story!
Both stories will have seperate pages that you can find on the page bar. It will be there for a couple of weeks so be sure to read them!
I will leave you with some weird news:
Its' SNOWING outside!!!!!
(that's Ireland for you!)