
Life of an awkward Donkey

It's the 28th of October and I shall be discussing the third blog I ever followed: Life of an Awkward Donkey!!!!!
My Blog Button... Go on, add me to your sidebar..(;I'm sure all of you have heard of this.. what does she call it again..(ah yes) her FABOO BLOG! Her first ever post was on the 30th of January and has since then reached a GIANTASTIC (in my opinion) 56 followers (and rising). Honestly I'm not surprised. Her blog posts are filled with humour, randomness, recipes and many many book reviews.  She is a wonderful character which can be seen clearly through her writing. I often find myself clicking to her link after a long day of school just to see what weird and wonderful thing has been zooming through her life today. I love her witty sense of humour, her very amusing post titles and her yummy cupcake background. She has published 187 posts (wowza) and has still 33 unpublished!
Her blog awards are piling up and she is quickly rising to stardom - even has her own business card!
This is the Life of an Awkward Donkey


  1. please check out my photography challenge @
    thank you!
    <3 keep it real

    1. Isn't that a writing competition?

    2. Me likey!

      Check out and comment on mine - I even dedicated some FABOO publicity of your comp(: No need to thank me(;


  2. Great review!
    I follower of my blog ( said that she really liked your blog. And now that I look at yours... I agree with her! :Hits follow: :)

    From the Kozy Korner,


I solemnly swear to reply every time ^_^