
Dear bloggers....

.... I have, on the spur of the moment, decide to rename/ re-URL and redecorate my blog. This could of course go all downhill and I will probably regret it but what's life without being spontaneous.
So my blog url for now shall be the-vintage-key.blogspot.com
My other options are
the enchanted key
the long lost key
the forgotten key
my wicked wonderland (already taken)

I'd like to hear what you think so please do not hesitate to tell me they're rubbish.
And I'm also going to try new designs. Not sure how it's gona go, so you'll have to excuse the mess.
For now, goodbye.


A Pile of Books

bohemian hellhole

Because I am a very lazy person (well not always, just today) I am too tired to dive in to my memory and fish out my thoughts and opinions to review my recent reads, so instead I have compiled this list of the books I have at hand to read.

1. The 5th Wave - I can't wait to read this after seeing the unreal reviews on other blogs.
2. The Hobbit - haven't seen or read anything to do with The Lord of the Rings so I'm not sure what to expect...
3. Wicked - it's an actual book. I had no idea that the unbelievable show had a readable form. When I saw it in a bookstore I started jumping up and down like crazy and speaking/squealing at a very high pitch to my apathetic sister.
4. The Time Travellers Wife - I've tried so many times to read this but I can never get into it...
5. Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close - saw the movie: amazing. Aisling gave this to me (an the next books)
6. Salem Falls - I enjoy Jodie Picoult books
7. Harvesting the Heart
8.The 10th Circle
9. The Catcher in the Rye - I've been told it is disappointing.
10. Pride and Prejudice - I adore these eras in books and movies!

Any opinions on these books? Or suggest any I should (or need to) read?

Life in the Gaeltacht

In theory, Irish college is boarding school for three weeks during the summer, speaking a different language with peers you've never met, in a place you probably have never been. No phones, computers, tvs or ENGLISH! Sounds a bit like a concentration camp.....? But in reality, it's a bit of craic. .... that means fun in Irish for non-Irish speakers....

At 17, I was a bit old for the colaiste I picked, but thankfully there were four other 16 year olds (Hi Muireann, Kate, Kate and Darragh). I stayed in a dormitory, girls upstairs, boys down. Everyday we were forced to get up at 7:30 and have breakfast at 8:30. We walked to school up a huge HUGE HUGE HUGE (I can't stress enough how huge it was) So so Huge hill. We had class until 1:00, eat lunch, had music and played sport for  2 hours. This was followed by our treck back down to the House: Tir na nOg-----> cool name right?
We jumped off a  pier/cliff into the sea where it felt like a thousand knives were piercing you.
At night we had to walk back up that bizzarely steep mountain for a ceili (irish dancing) and then back again at 11. After the course you'd be correct to say I was exhausted!!!

The best time I'd say to go to Irish College is before the JC. Bring a few friends too and involve everyone in whatever activity it is.

I really loved learning new songs and dances. Miley Cyrus's Hoe Down was a polpular choice (p.s. what has gotten into her.??!) But most of all I became obsessed with Mulan. (especially this song, it's infectious)
